Does this Class Mod exist?

Is there a Legendary Class Mod that exists with Torque Weapon Damage and Torque Critical Hit?

Have only seen 1 with +10% torgue weapon damage. In my opinion youd be better of with the generic +25% weapon dmg and +18% critical , maybe torge projectile speed or just splash/aoe

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Yeah I have +10% Torque which could be coupled with a relive but perhaps just 25% weapon damage work about the same as you mentioned.

Any class mod can roll manufacturer specific weapon damage and critical damage, even at the same time, including Torgue (it’s Torgue, btw, not Torque).
This is different than in previous Borderlands games where the bonus stats were detemined by the type of classmod. In Borderlands 3 the bonus stats are completely random and the only thing determined by the type are skillpoints and legendary effects.
Tl;dr: Yes, a class mod can have those stats. It’s not a specific one but something you can find on any of them.

I was only pointing out that i havnt been able to find any torgue specific critical boost; other manufacturers without these i have noticed are vladof, maliwan, and tediore. Others such as dahl, jacobs both have 45% critical damage rolls which is what i think the op was referring to

This is what I was getting at. I’m well aware of the manufacturer rolls. That said I have yet to see one Torgue mod with the same crit or weapon % as say a Jakob’s.

I’ve had an Executor for Zane with Tediore critical damage for quite a while. I sold it by now, though. Any of the manufacturers can get any of the manufacturer specific boosts.

I would love to know if anyone in the entire community has seen a Torgue specific for FL4k . Highest I or anyone I know of has seen is +10%

I have not seen it and I have farmed a fair amount. I think the ideal one would probably be the +18% critical damage and the +25% weapon damage for all weapons. But I have never gotten one of those.