Guys.... my Iron Bear is suddenly dying in seconds again

I’ve been ignoring it and writing it off as M3 modifiers making enemies do more damage, reflect bullets etc.

But nope… even with no modifiers like that I’ve been noticing last few days IB is dying in seconds again where right after the major patch hit , I would literally stand and tank against 2 or 3 badass enemies and wont even go below 75% armor (I have 5 points in vampyr and use dual explosive miniguns)

Now all of a sudden my armor bar depletes in seconds and my shield might as well not be there .

I hate to add to the paranoia but GBX is notoriously bad with breaking this game and undoing buffs they did without telling any one.

I went from debating whether getting thr shield is worth it because IB armor is so tanky now to wondering what the hell happened and why my IB is dying so quickly?

I changed nothing in my build at all.

Anyone else notice this ? Maybe since last hotfix ??

Stainless steel bear is doing nothing. You can check the stats, everything stays at 0 except damage, which never did anything anyway. I have the same issue since Friday on ps4.

Huh ?

I knew the extra damage part did nothing but armor bonus too ? That worked as of the last patch. Did hotfix for the Butcher somehow break it ??

No, they did something after that to break it. But I dont think it is happening to everyone, just the lucky few. Seriously, go look at it in the menu, everything stays at 0, and you’ll notice your armor doesnt increase when adding to it.

Hmmm I think I got those 0% values when the hotfix wasnt applied . When its applied stainless steel bear numbers are back to normal.

I did notice my IB armor is 69k when I could have sworn it was 82k after patch

Mine is at 75k with the multi vitamin shield. It was 100k+ before. Stainless Steel does nothing for me right now. It would be great if anyone else could say whether this is just a limited thing or happening to everyone. Could a corrupted save screw up something like this?

Hotfixes are not necessarily applied even if the sign says otherwise. They are only applied if you have spooky title screen. Took logging in and out again to make it work.

I’ve logged in and out, turn off and one, and completely reinstalled application. Same issue.

But if you respec and put zero points in stainless steel bear you will notice your armor is lower, so the armor bonus of stainless does apply at least

You get thr 0% values on stainless steel bear if the hot fixes aren’t applied . Do you see haunted skulls when you play ? If so the hot fix is in

I have the same problem, its dying as fast as pre buff for some reason, what i didnt knew was the stainless steel bear bug

I dont know what’s going on either .

What could the butcher hotfix possibly have anything to do with Iron bear ?

I said this a few times in other posts but ppl bashed my comments, the code is wrong, thats why they cant fix anything without breaking 2 or 3 other things, and thats the main reason i think they take so long to fix stuff that are not supposed to be in the final product to begin with.

No you’re absolutely right and I’m surprised people aren’t making a bigger deal over this. The difference in Ib durability is vast compared to the absolute tank we had for a few days after the latest patch

Why would the hotfix that addresses just the Butcher affect IB at all though ? Its bizarre, and I’m starting to think GBX is so mismanaged that the theory they keep using the wrong build of the game when they build patches or hot fixes that recent fixes over overwritten

Its the same thing with FL4K’s pets. With the latest patch several of the temporary buffs to HP on IB, Pets, and the Digi Clone where all removed in lue of the “better scaling” the patch was supposed to offer. It is increasingly apparent non of there fixes really did much of anything to make different builds more viable I Mayhem mode. Master FL4K and Titian Fall Moze both remain leveling or non mayhem builds.

Hey I know this is an old thread but was ever addressed or had a fix? I’m playing my moze for the first time in a while and I’m having this problem with the 2 builds I tried to use

If depends on your weapon. The grenade launcher as well as most explosive weapons can still kill Iron Bear in a matter of seconds. But it’s armor has been upscaled according to the Mayhem level you play on, just as the damage does.

Still, if you use any rocket launcher hard point (except for Hammerdown Protocol), any variant of the grenade launcher or the explosive minigun, you’ll want to keep your distance and an enemy jumping in front of you can basically end your action skill prematurely.

damn that really sucks, is there anyway to fix it? i thought that maybe doing an iron cub instead might help but i’ll send him to the middle of the mobs and as soon as i take like 3 shots with a Light Show or a Fazier and he’s immediately gone

Iron Cub is the closest thing we have to a suicide bomber, if there is a chance to kill itself, it’ll take it. You have to change up it’s weapons to prevent it from self-destruction.

Railguns and Miniguns (except for the explosive one) as well as the Salamander work very well, as does the Hammerdown Protocol and Bear Fist. Those also work just as well if you’re inside Iron Bear yourself. You do have options. Also, you will probably get used to keeping your distance for all the exploding weapons as well, it’s just a matter of practice.

An example: I have changed the way I move in Iron Bear according to the weapons I use. Explosive Miniguns have solid range, so I need to take advantage of that. Tracking Rockets can very rarely damage you if you jump to the side (or backwards) when or right before you fire off your volley and the grenade launcher I primarily use to lay out traps for enemies that are coming straight at me, so distance is key. Although I find the grenade launcher to be the worst weapon by far when it comes to self-destruction.

Also, general habit you might want to look into: Scout the room for barrels and/or blow them up prematurely. Barrels can mess up Iron Bear really quickly. If you have Vampyr specced it can be worth it to throw out a (ideally lower level) grenade with many child grenades right before you enter Iron Bear as Iron Bear will profit off Vampyr as well. There is also an anointment that grants a chance to throw a grenade when Iron Bear takes damage. But that can be much more risky than it’s worth.

And last but not least: Weapons like the Miniguns and the tracking Rockets can be used in less intuitive ways by not just holding down the fire button, but by firing off smaller volleys of rockets or by letting your minigun slow down a bit (or fire one side then the other). That way you can play a bit more controlled and minimize the risks of those weapons even further.

Iron Bear, for as simple as it seems on the surface, has a lot of depth to it and even drawbacks like the self-damaging weaponry can be worked around (and are intended that way from the devs). Just watch out for your hotfixes to apply, as most of Iron Bears buffs still are not patched in.

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