Let's Talk about Dakka Bear [Post Patch]

I feel like I spent some much time on Amara during the event I failed to realized Iron Bear was affected by Terror anointment. This is pretty significant and will change all my bills future builds.

While terrified deal +50% Bonus Cryo damage

While terrified deal increased Critical hit damage

We also have new anointment that affect Dakka as well.

On Action Skil End gain 50% Bonus Corrosive Damage.

This is giving me some very interesting Ideas. I can’t wait for guardian ranks to be fixed so I can get back to having over 200k Armor even though I probably don’t need it with all the sustain IB has now.

On top of all of this

Iron Bear can Proc Mine Sweeper.

This can in Iron Bear or Dakka bear.

What’s even more interesting is that any player riding in Dakka Bear gets access to any skills or Anointments moze has unlocked. So you can essentially have a player in Iron Bear hitting crits that will drop Mini Grenades while you’re firing off the main guns.

I have seen that the mini grenades heal Moze when in Dakka bear, but I haven’t got to test whether they heal other players.