Tediore chuck build trash

i think its funny that people cried about moze grenade spam build but no one is saying anything about this trash throw a gun at your feet and kill everything build. wheres the skill and fun in that? i hope gbx nerfs this to the ground like evrerthing else moze.


Lol not like amara actually better then moze at Tedior chunking + that build work on every VH not just Moze, Sorry to burst your bubble


I dont like that build either, but, thank god, you dont decide whats fun or not.

Its not like its the only possible build out there


If your not playing Amara you either tedior chuck or enjoy shooting mag after mag at the same generic maliwan guy and take 23 min to kill wotan on zane while Amara clear the entire takedown in about 25 min with decent gear.

Btw am not saying nerf Amara cause let’s be honest nobody want to farm a takedown raid day after day if it take an hour + to do 1 run.

I know it can be done on any build and thats why people are not crying about it like they did the hex spam moze only build, but my thing is people was saying that build took no skill and blah blah so how does throwing a gun at your feet with a transformer shield on take skill? Just saying if your gonna cry about one thing beign op you need to be consistent not just cry cause your fav character cant do it.

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The problem is that no other build that ive seen on Zane,Moze,Fl4k can actually clear M4 takedown in about the same time has Amara which is why right now everyone is jumping to tedior chunking. In fact tedior chunking was not everywhere before the last patch cause we actually could kill thing in decent time and Amara is the only VH right now not using that build because she doesn’t need to… she actually get to kill stuff without having the feeling that every enemy is a anointed badass coming from hell.

People don’t use tedior chunk because it doesn’t take skill but because that the only way they can do actual dmg on m4

How about you play the game the way you want to play it and leave everyone else to play it the way they want to?

Seriously. This isn’t PVP. This is PVE. The fun of BL’s has always been crazy, overpowered builds based on finding the loopholes in the gear & guns provided. The constant nerfing & buffing is ridiculous & forces this behavior even more.

Why do so many seem to be so invested in decided how others should pay the game they want they want to after the money they paid? :man_facepalming:

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this is general discussion lol guy just expressed his opinion about certain playstyle and he is not even half wrong. It is not like he is making decisions for gearbox’s game play designers :d relax


So in a general discussion I am free to say what I want as well. All of this nerfing & buffing ■■■■■■■■ is not making this game any better. Enough obviously are having an effect on Gearbox as they continue to “balance” the game every week since drop.

lol they will do it regardless, you think they come here and read every angry topic and go like “hey this guy seems mad about tediore chucks, lets remove it from the game”. they fix what they deem necessary to be fixed through their shift data. it is not like MIRV modueles are not much better than rest of the reload modules and homing module does not even require you to aim the reloads, which in all fairness if completely “R” word, if anything homing reloads should do the least amount of damage as per ease of use and MIRV reloads should consume much more ammo like baby maker reload works. there is a valid reason to rework homing mirv reload as a whole and downscale it to match bouncing leg turret and other reload modules. and make no mistake this will happen. now self healing through transformer will probably never be addressed but lul can you really deny it is swiss cheese of cheesing…


They consume the whole mag, it always was like this even in BL2 and the damage is also dependent on mag size too (max damage = 1 shot and reload). I also have a lot of MIRV homing Baby makers and they even have 4 MIRVs instead 3 like the other pistols have normally.

And because they consume the whole mag I personally prefer SMGs or Pistols because of the bigger pool, but most people logically prefer Shotguns because of the higher damage, but that pool is rather small.

not whole mag butthey should consume extra from your ammo pool. every reload consumes whole mag regardless of module. but having 5 'free" ish homing projectiles is much better than damn bouncing reload or homing non mirv reload. so you misunderstood me my guy. also people use shotgun for 2 major reasons facepuncher with catpurse fully restores ammo on single shot and shotties have 5 modules and hit hardest per throw.

Ohh forgot that one, yeah that’s a nice method to counter the small pool. :wink:

My MIRV-Homing shock element Shotgun has saved me out of FFYL and stripping off enemy shields in 1 or 2 chucks. I’m farming with Moze and I’m not even using that as a means to kill mobs and bosses with it unless I’m getting swarmed.

No it should not be nerfed. It barely getting it job done on MAYHEM 4 and I’m prone to go into FFYL in M4 and the Tediore I have helps me home in targets far away with enough power to get a second wind before I bleed out

Hey if I can get a R-Hex in shock element then maybe I would use Tediore less. Since legendaries drop rates are busted from what I see I should NOT see anymore nerfs

How can anyone go by with underpowered stuffs if there is no good gear, even a powerful purple item don’t drop often anymore? I feel these nerf talks does legit piss me off. This game needs to be fixed with bugs and improve loot/annointeds (in Mayhem 4) and Guardian Ranks before any nerf happens

How much wood would a tediorechuck chuck if a tediorechuck could chuck wood?


That comment made my day better…


i aim at my feet to please :wink:


The Transformer need to be like its BL2 function.

Throwing Tediores should be good because of the typical high cost of tossing an entire mag.

Infinite ammo made this build more accessible, which was neat for niche situations.

The thing about Tediore is that the chuck scales off of almost every damage type, which I’ve mentioned before, besides loyalty damage. If you could count shots, it scales off of every type of damage.

Transformer, the shield, isn’t to blame. This also wouldn’t be that bad if it wasn’t the best option for every Vault Hunter, and the only way that 3 of the them can reliably finish Wotan. It has been done without now, but those seemed more like challenges than farms.

I don’t think infinite ammo should be nerfed, the transformer should be nerfed, or Tediores should actually stop doing damage.

Three suggestions I have:
1.) Make Facepuncher return ammo to the magazine like terror anoints. This way people who want to shoot guns can still do so, but it doesn’t benefit Teddy-chucking infinitely.
2.) Make Facepuncher into a slug instead of several pellets and increase its base damage so it still works with melee attacks but returns less ammo.
3.) Make Tediore chuck on scale off of elemental damage/splash/aoe/grenade damage and magazine size instead of literally everything.

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