Moze "Dictator" Mayhem 4 Build

Just beat the new mission on Mayhem 4 with my partner, and here’s the build that made it through. But it was HARD. I know I don’t have a perfect set of legendary though and I’m feeling a little bored, and would appreciate new build tips/links!

The basics of the build is switch to bipod, control a large crowd with effects and headshot level spreads or run right up to them and hit them with that whole bullet spread right in their face. The damage on the dictator may seem low, but it doesn’t take into account the full bipod spread!

Mayhem 4 has less issues that require hauling around different weapon sets and you got infinite ammo, so using all rifles is no problem. You can get more damage by getting it low in the clip and then keeping it there with a little timing.

Here’s a link to individual images:

Like the build, the skills are nearly identical to my preferred build, but what do you do for sustain? What was your partner playing, did they have team heals?

that was one of my biggest issues. in mayhem 3, I simply didn’t need to worry about it, my shield was always huge and worst case I FFYL back up to full. Mayhem 4 I needed to worry about getting raised a lot more. One of the matchmaking members used a group heal with Fl4K, but everyone seemed to be dying as much as I was haha

That’s a simple fix dude. U literally just need a tediore shock shotgun and throw at feet. Do that when your at half shield or less

omg. you’re so right.

Personally though u should run a dif gun maybe dif skills since click click is very touch and go. Dictator is great for bosses right but kinda sucks against adds when compared to other multi bullet guns unless u have a ×6 version where the spread is the same but with much more bullets. If u get a SMG or shotgun or even base wpn dmg mod I’d suggest butcher with fire of course other elements welcomes. And also niggthawkin SMG or any of the new smgs tbh.
Another thing is try to find a facepuncher with terror on melee so you cna consistantly have a faster way to get terror annointment builds. If I was home and u played on ps4 I’d give you a terror face puncher

Yeah, I know what you mean. I kind of get my clip down to low and then do little pauses to keep it in click click range.

How do I know which dictator shoots the most bullets? They seem to shoot hte same amount but I admit it’s a little hard to count. Definitely looking forward to finding new class mods so I can experiment!

It will say a x6 dictator and then when u put it in bipod mode it will shoot 12

damnnnn that’s awesome, is there somewhere dictators drop more often now post patches?

I think I may have seen a vid but yea Google it I guess

Agonizer9000 is the dedicated loot source for the Dictator.

ugh, does anyone like that fight? haha

It was a slog on mayhem 4, do you think I need to be looking on mayhem 4? would be cool to have one at least, I find it great crowd damage

I solve the individual issue by running right up to every enemy and firing all the bullets straight into their face. I haven’t found any non-annointed it doesn’t melt as easily as graveward.

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