Im so lost about fl4k right now help

My fl4k use to destroy stuff. I took a little break away from borderlands. I decided to come back and play. Fl4k feels like hes under performing. I decided to change the build i had with fadeaway stalker to megaover but even doing that i feel hes still weak. Im still getting destroyed in mh3. Anyone have any builds they could help me with. Ive looked online and everything is either older before the patches or gear specific. Id like to do the gear specific but i dont have that much of good gear compared to all this stuff ive been seeing. Id lile to start with the best skills then work on the gear. Thanks for any info in advance.

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Well first, megavore is currently not working, various pet buffs are also just text at the moment; beyond that, i was in the same boat as you till i recieved some various gear upgrades from around the forums; as well as having another character to farm with.
How do you like to play? Some can surely point you in a direction
Edit - apparently i missed the memo and megavore is fixed again; so thats good

I really like fade away. I use to pop that and run through enemies with lucians call. Now my survivability is whats really stopping me. I feel like im not putting out enough damage during fadeaway and once i come out of it theres still too many enemys to fight. I need some crowd control. Maybe my points arent right or maybe my grenade, shield and mod dont have any synergy. Idk maybe it is that bug but i just feel so much weaker now.

Only advice i can give would be maybe dail it down a notch with mayhem 2; my build has nothing to do with fadeaway so i cant be much help

I was in a similar boat after not playing as Fl4k for a while when M4 released. All my builds that had worked on M3 were getting wrecked on M4 when I came across anointed/ excessive numbers of badass COV. This build helped a good bit, though it relies pretty heavily on anointments that trigger on action skill end:

For M3, if you can get a hold of a Red Fang class mod and spec into the green and blue trees (stalker/master) with gamma burst, you can be pretty flexible with the rest of your gear. Barbaric yawp and the power inside are both quite powerful.

That said, I think guardian rank perks being down hits Fl4k especially hard.

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Thanks bro ill check this out

Hopefully it helps… Oh, and here’s a thread for something similar to the second build I mentioned (though I often run it with Burst Aid for one of the action skill augments):

With the gear I have, that one hasn’t helped as much with M4, but it was quite solid on M3 in circles of slaughter, etc. I suspect it’ll help a lot when the Guardian Rank perks are fixed however. Topped Off really helped keep the cooldown of gamma burst reasonable…

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That seems weird? When I try it with the test dummy with body shots, I get crits on occasion. This is the Musket firing on the target’s shin. Is it failing in some other way?

It was failing as far as i knew in all aspects, had tested it yesterday while doing revisions; as im specced out of it now until the next increase im honestly not going to miss it
My trees look like This

It was broken by the update but they fixed it

Cool… honestly, this is the first time I used it.

I feel you. Fl4k is my favourite character next to Amara and although I never ran the most op build cause I love fade away and the skag, we got along well on m3.

Tried proving grounds to farm the new class mod yesterday on m4, no chance. Couldn’t get a meter without being downed, no matter what I tried. Something is seriously wrong with the balancing of anonted tinks…can kill the tink of cunning in a few seconds (or Rampager, Troy,…) but shooting 7 Minutes at an anointed tink…even with Amara. It’s not normal.


Yea i read ur post looks like theres a lot of ppl that feep the same as us. Im going to respec in a gamma build i think. Never done it and its sounds pretty fun. Im getting down way too fast as well as when im in my fadeaway. I never would get targeted now i feel like they can see me.

I don’t know what it is I like about Gamma Burst. Insta-resurrect for a pet? Teleport them to unreachable ledges where enemies are lurking? Using it with the Eridian Skag and issuing attack commands to draw enemies into the rift? Super tanking while standing in the rift (and the pet with All My BFFs is nigh indestructible)?


Yes, FL4K got hit rather hard with the nerf bat. GITM is useless for mobbing now. Before the deactivation of guardian perks, I was running a non GITM crit build successfully on M3. Unfortunately, ramping up overkill damage with the guardian perk is necessary for this build beyond M1.
My FL4K is waiting for the return of the guardian perks, because Rakks and Gamma Burst are very boring to me. Rakks are basically just a way to proc the (very strong) anointments. They don’t do much else. And Gamma Burst has no real interaction with you or the enemies, it almost feels like a passive skill.
In the meantime I play Amara, who is able to solo the new content…
I have to admit, that I am a little bit frustrated. The balancing and patching of Gearbox seems quite incompetent to me.


I’m running a Rakk Attack build because I like having my Action Skill available as much as possible. It’s really powerful right now since the anointments around ASE are absurdly strong, but your gear (more specifically, your gear’s anointments) makes or breaks the build.

I also have a lot of trouble with Anointed enemies, as they can shrug off a lot of that bonus damage, have huge health pools, and have ridiculously high, sustained damage output–I can handle one of them in a M4 mob, but more than that and it’s RIP me. At least everything else melts…

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