Iron Bear and Weapon Switching

With all the new changes, Iron Bear can finally shine in Mayhem 3, and still pull his weight in 4. However, as much fun as running around melting things with the dual explosive mini guns or the dual rocket pods is, it has started to feel somewhat monotonous to be locked into only 1 or 2 viable weapons. This post isn’t about how to buff IB’s other options though.

Let’s pretend for a moment that all of his different weapons have their niche and are on equal footing. So say we equip dual bear claws with the rapid fire augment. In our perfectly balanced world we should shred everything within 2 feet of IB, especially shields. However a lot of areas feature difficult terrain that makes getting within 2 feet of each enemy a slog, burning precious fuel. Since we are now stuck with bear claws for the rest of IB’s duration, our effectiveness is limited compared to a more generalist set up, like rockets or miniguns.

Same goes for the corrosive acid spewer. If balanced correctly it should be a very strong tool for stripping armor, but since very few areas are full of purely armored enemies I think it will always be passed up for the more generally useful options.

So as I’m sure you’ve guessed by now, my proposed solution is weapon swapping for Iron Bear! Imagine how much fun it would be to eviscerate a Tink Tank with the claws, then whip around and blow an obnoxious guardian out of the sky with dual railguns. Or torch an army of varkids with the flamethrowers, than immediately switch to homing missiles as they take to the sky. I think this change would breath new life and depth into the IB experience. Because as powerful as IB is right now, he is somewhat one dimensional. Vampyr makes him invincible even in the middle of slaughter shaft M4, so all that’s left to do is point the rocket pods at enemies and keep firing. No weapon switching, no picking the right element for the job, or even picking the right weapon for the right range.

The problem with this solution is of course how to implement it. Moze has an insane number of options once augments are accounted for, so most systems I can think of would feel cumbersome for the user, especially console players. As much of a pain as implementation might be, I can’t imagine a better way to play Iron Bear than one that allows weapon switching. It would make the mech feel like a deadly multi-tool!


Hey so 3 things u wanna point out.

  1. Railguns are very solid option tbh
  2. Atm stainless steel bear is said to not increase bear dmg properly.
  3. Desperate measures for some reason o ly buffs the left IB gun and not both
  4. Guardian ranks dont work

I feel like once all those things are fixed some things with iron bear will be solid. Now when it comes to the melee bear yea they need to completly do something about that idk what


Just so you know, Specialist bear buffs as long as the gun is the same. You can still pick different augments for the gun and receive the buff. I’ve tested this in Sanctuary on the new target dummy.

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Most of the controller buttons are not used at all while in IB so your ideas to be able to switch weapons can be easily assigned to any of those buttons !

Not a bad idea at all !!

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Mhm, thankfully you can swap augments, but I was surprised that there was no benefit for having two different weapons equipped. I think salvador had a skill in bl2 that was similar, but it had a benefit for matching and mismatching. I think I would prefer if the specialist bear also gave a bonus for mismatching, as of now it just encourages less variety.

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Good points! But this post is less concerned with the actual balance of his weapons and more so with why switching would be crazy fun “if” they were all fairly balanced.

As for your 3rd point, I’ve also noticed that Scorching RPMs only buffs the left handed weapon as well. My minigun on the left will always overheat first, which assume is due to it being the only one benefiting from the fire rate bonus.

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Glad to hear it, fingers crossed that somewhere down the road it gets implemented!