After the buff - what else could be improved with Moze action skill

Now that IronBear is useful* I wanted to revisit some of the discussion around Moze’s action skill in general and how to improve her build variety over all.

I know that all Moze mains don’t have this problem, but as I see it, minus some popular gimmick builds, such as face-punching-cash-tedior-everblast-of-god-death-mode, Moze suffers from a lack of variety.

Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love that with the right setup, you can become a crazy explosive super flakker, infinite ammo shredder, near-infinite grenadier and such. However, when she uses her action skill, gameplay significantly narrows. She’s stuck with a more limited version of overwatch Dva, until she spends several seconds ejecting, wherein she either has a kinda weak rol-axton turret or doesn’t.

I believe this can be improved and wanna hear from other community members.

Opening suggestions

  • make auto bear responsive to targeting like sentinel : this improves player engagement
  • autobear walks around/follows Moze
  • augment alters autobear deploy, allowing him to be be spawned without entering. (Bonus points if dakka bear gains dps + all of the above, making you a commander of a fun tank from top)

Major changes

  • ironbear becomes melee-bear and gains benefits from melee relics/shields (improve melee augments could use existing resources, or improve stomp to do, well, anything)
  • Ironbear becomes a small fortress with turrets on any side / becomes a lined wall you can run up on as a platform and use a cover for x seconds

Anyway, I’m happy to hear other suggestions as well.

Hey mods: made a good faith effort to find an already existing thread that was posted after the new buffs about this topic.

*Super grateful for the improvements btw. Made her a lot more fun to me! Kisses finger tips


Yes please!!

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I would love to summon IB without entering him. The following around would be the cherry on top.

What i would love to see for the miniguns is to either greatly increase the shots to overheat or greatly lower the cooling phase. The miniguns are way to much on overheat.

Dakka bear needs proper scaling. Also, the turret should be affected by some of his augments, like with rocket pods, you get gyro jet bullets, V-35 gives you a grenade launcher, railguns gives you something like alien barreled rocketlaunchers have. Just something.


This^^^^^^ so much!!!


Ok, my suggestion is weird but I’m actually serious. I started thinking about it after watching the Annointed Tinks. I’d be cool if IB could function like Ant Man. Like, not not get any bigger, but be able to activate smaller. Right now my Moze is the only one that needs a decent amount of space to use her action skill. Maybe a IB indicator that let’s you know if you have enough space for big IB or if you don’t and will get small IB? Maybe small IB functions with AI vs being manned? I dunno… I just want to use an action skill anywhere like my other characters. :grin:

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Okay I love this idea in principal but also the hilarious idea of panic-spamming to activate and instead of getting in, just a mini-iB appears in front of you and u die while tiny-Bear pops on a baby sized bubble shield.

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Pffft… :joy: Ok, not my best idea. Just a weird suggestion lol.

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No but it brings up a good point. Ironbear as an action skill doesn’t have any variety. Swapping guns out isn’t the same as going invisible, pulling out rakk, lifting a person in the air, shooting a missile, or, making a clone of yourself. It’s just shooting guns. That’s the whole bit! And while I love that bit, I think it’s worth exploring other ways to play her that would synergize with other builds or encourage other playstyles.

However, to your point: digistructing a small troop of angry Tedior-like tiny bears that charge at the enemy and kamikaze into them would be a unique action skill change and be quite fun.


Variety! Yes! Much better put. I mean, each character has their own “3” things, Fl4k 3 pets, Zane 3 tech toys, Amara 3 phase things…

And while Moze has 3 dif guns, it seems so rigid under the one, hulking, unchanging IB. It just seems I have more options of moving my other characters from “mob A” to “mob B”. And space has been a big problem for me and IB.

(I like your idea of the digistruct tiny bear army.:blush:)

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The Anvil is soooo frustrating with all the low doors.

Zane: let’s go, boyo!

Moze: yo, hang on a minute. Ironbear doesn’t wanna duck his head for that entryway.

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Shoulder mounted weapons and a melee override that lets IB ground pound cause an earthquake that temporarily stuns mobs within some radius


I’d say make one of the final skills in the skill trees affect iron bear. Also besides hoping all iron bear skills work properly cuz they dont. Have some that affect mini guns more tbh since they what up so fast one skill should reduce mini gun heat speed in BM tree. Iron bubble should regen as if u were In it.


Oh sh-t I just realized personal augments would be a badass alternative to Ironbear. “For 10 seconds, Moze gains shoulder mounted SMGs that fire [augment choice rounds] at the enemy Moze is targeting.” Augments could be a choice element, cc, debuff, etc.

Is this what you were getting at our simply Ironbear?

I just want auto bear to have a augment that makes him a turret like Axton’s. Or even a class mod that does it. That is all


should mounted weapons on Moze would be awesome too but I was mainly talking about Iron Bear getting those extra weapons to help him deal more damage and because it would be cool to have a walking tank with 4 simultaneous weapons


We def need annointed skills that affect u for being in the bear to tbh


"while in Ironbear gain

  • 10% movement speed
  • 20% damage reduction
  • 15% weapon cooldown/reload speed
  • the spirits of your dead former squad climb onto the back of ironbear and throw your equipped grenade mod at enemies while screaming war cries


Hm…maybe not that last one.

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He kindof does. There’s one com that turns auto bear into a permanent turret until your cooldown resets or he dies.

You have to have the right augment on him for it to do much damage tho because what you normally use as a driver isnt what he’s good as as a turret. Like, with that mode, he’s pretty dang good with the fire railgun, if you’re willing to risk his death, and he’s alright with homing missiles if you need the vampyr health Regen, which is more than enough to sustain him the whole time, generally.

If someone else doesn’t link or show a screenshot, I’ll try to find it and show it this evening after work.

Either way, deploying him that way automatically instead of ejecting should be a high tier talent at the least.

The last one is the only one I really want, though.

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[quote=“Felixthecoach, post:18, topic:4146328, full:true”]

This is specifically what I’m referring too. I actually have the auto bear mod. It’s just clunky to deploy bear since i have to spawn then eject

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