Rare spawn enemies have overstayed their welcome

i am sure i am not the only one having this issue, there is a gun i need for a build (the cutsman) and it drops from Borman Nates which is a rare spawn enemy, so the farm for the cutsman i had too many times where nates doesn’t spawn as a RARE spawn enemy would, but the drop rates are the same as a guaranteed spawn enemy (roughty 10%) so while he drops a legendary from his loot pool at the same rates a any other boss, he only spawns about 33% of the time, so all legendaries that their only dedicated drop source is a rare spawn enemy are insanely harder to get than if say gigamind, or one punch dropped them since they always spawn. so there is a roughy 1/3 chance for the rare spawn to spawn, a 1/10 chance for them to drop one of their legendaries, and for Borman Nates there is a 1/3 chance for said dedicated drop to be a Cutsman as the Psycho Stabber and the Sawbar are also dedicated drops, so there is a 1/90 chance for the drop i want to drop let alone desired version, So please fix this, either buff drop chances from rare spawn enemies or buff the spawn rates. i have done 200+ runs and Nates only spawned ~75 times, if this were any other boss i would be off having fun with my new gun by now.


Agreed. Either the droprates should be higher or the spawns more common

It was fine when it was like this in BL2, there’s no point complaining about something that’s still increased from the previous game.

Dude doesn’t want to grind…we did for thousands of hours in BL1 and 2…

But that’s my point, it’s still way better than 2 when it comes to the frequency of drops, so there’s no real need to complain about something that has been improved

The whole premise behind the game is to find loot, if you’re getting arguably one of the best guns in the game within the first few tries, where’s the worth behind the premise of the game.
There’s a reason it’s called a legendary

Maybe just up the spawn rate of rare enemies a bit, keep the drop rates the same.

BL2 drop rates were horrendous at first and got better towards the end of its lifespan, so suffering in that game shouldnt be reason to suffer here. I remember farming hours for an infinity and never got a drop. I was then over levled and didny enjoy going through the dust and bloodshot strong hold. Like, good lord, farming for a perfect sham is still a nightmare. It felt like you always just get heads instead.

bruh i have thousands of hours in all borderlands games i know that the entire series is about the grind, but when it is luck to get the boss to even spawn that is not a good farm.

So you’re upset that a rare boss spawn…only spawns rarely…

Also the cutsman drops everywhere…you’ll probably find a couple just doing a slaughter shaft