OP8 or dining on crow

Zero, it’s you and me against the world.

You’ve never let me down before. Don’t do it when I need you the most.

Let the kunaii and your freak flag fly.

Updates to follow, as I attempt to climb the peak.

First up was a pair of big badass psychos. pimped them. 2nd one got me down but I shot him in the unmentionables and he let me back up.

Those damnable surveyors got a lot more annoying. can’t save them till last or I’ll run out of ammo.

Crap, I did.

Weeeeeeeeeell, that was nice of him. A surveyor dropped me, but then found it in his heart to hover above my dead body while I dumped a lot of twister swirlies into him. Thanks for the Second wind, dude!

Alright, got careless with the ammo. Had to work on melee. Just danced with a Spiderant for about 10 minutes trading blows. Moxxi weapons for the win.

Oy, this is going to be a long climb.

There is a lot of hide and seek. Just ducking around waiting for either a shot or one to turn their backs even for a moment.


I just had the most satisfying kill in my Borderlands life cycle… I just double-execute-flying stabbed an OP8 Surveyor!!!

I’m going to need a moment to let that sink in.

Dual scorches suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.

that is all.

Marcus is awesome.

That is all… again.

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Shut up Tannis. Nobody wants to hear it.

Even 81 Marauders suck.

Oh, you want me to get rid of the explosives do you??? Suuuuuuuuuuuuure. I’d love to.

And seriously, who stands around banging…on…doors… crap. yeah, they do do that.

2nd kill of the week… 2 surveyors healing a maniac. Pimp-boooooooooooooooore… drops BOTH surveyors!!! and I look down at the maniac and say… You’re F*****.

I just want to throw any and all controls of this game through the window.

Right now, I’m despising the moment they every thought of putting OP levels in this game.

deep breaths

#(&#(&#(&(*###&(@#^&^ surveyors…

Zero was the last character I took thru the OP levels- hang tough, you’ll make it… :thumbsup:

I thought you were saying your version of dots build could do the peak with out issues?

Surveyors aren’t that bad with Zer0. Use deception, then shoot them.


Made it to the same d@mn spot twice. I think I’ve got their pattern now… as long as they don’t change creatures on me…

There’s a lot of hide and seek at this level. Slow play.

I’m waiting last second for my shots. Have to get them before the stupid surveyors turn their corner and dodge. In getting their timing down.

It’s not a matter of damage now. It’s when you pull that shot off.

My kingdom for a siren (just momentarily step in )…or Sal with team ammo regen. Dude, that world be SICK with a pitchfork.

I think I just came a little.

On an un-related note…

Goat simulator has Wall Jumping OMGWTFBBQ!!!

sorry. I needed to decompress from getting my ass handed to me.

One’s no man until he completes the Peak with Zer0. Fact.

After that, one won’t have any problems with ladies the rest of his life(mojo will be at incredible levels).

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While it is important to Goat to one’s greatest ability, Digistruct Peak with Zer0 is more important.

I recommend using deception, slag, kunai, and getting critical hits.

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And if- like me- your aim might not be the best in the world- use shotguns… :smile: