Why do so many people skip ready for action for CCC? And am I the only one who doesn't like violent momentum?

I was looking for any new testing post zane buff and noticed all youtubers are skipping ready for action, wouldn’t that be a top choice? Ive used it forever on mayhem 3 and it seems like a godsend but maybe I dont need it…

And what about violent momentum? I would rather put those extra points in quick hand, reloading my maggie quicker and landing precise headshots. Is violent momentum really that good, EVERYONE uses it but I thought it was bugged.

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You have to pick between VM, speed, or cold bore.

Cold bore is terrible outside some niche weapon swapping builds. Speed is nice, but you dont need 5 pts in it and you can get speed other places.

VM even if you dont plan on running and gunning gives 20% damage bonus for simply strafing while shooting which is something thay happens naturally. So its the easy pick for 5 pts.


People with a CCC build usually go with a Rough Rider to circumvent the “shields full” condition. That essentially means that none of the first three skills in the Undercover tree is relevant at all.

Violent Momentum is still one of Zane’s better damage skills. The buggieness only comes into play at higher speeds but you already get a bonus just for basic movement.

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Rough rider is nice and does the job, but the best thing imo for cryo build is a low delay, low capacity, high recharge shield. Less capacity the better for less recharge time overall. Using the rough rider means missing out on confident competence which is a really significant boost. My favorite purple shields are anything reflect, absorb or health regen when shields are full. Or a good booster shield. Nova Berner, Impaler and Big Boom Blaster are some even better legendary options. Big Boom Blaster is personally my favorite right now for keeping confident competence up. And taking Ready for Action only helps it further, so I think their missing out.

Another really good option if you use clone and barrier is the Frozen Heart shield, because you can trade back and forth with your clone to proc the novas. When your shield is full you would want to pick up your barrier and move it off the clone and then he can proc CCC for you, or swap him outside of it. If you are using Shadenfreued he generally will fill your shield before his breaks making it almost a guaranteed proc of CCC.