Dying In Maliwan Takedown

Matchmaking Maliwan Takedown on M4 is getting increasingly frustrating due to players quitting after dying midway through the first section. Since there is no respawn, there is no incentive for players to sit there and spectate while the rest of the group takes 10 minutes to clear all the M4 enemies. Matchmaking on PS4 already fails to put you in a full game as it is. Losing a player in a party of 3 means finishing Takedown on M4 with only one other person. You might as well leave and reque for a full party at that point. I don’t understand why a fallen player has to wait until you reach a checkpoint to respawn. If you want to keep it challenging, a 30 second or one minute respawn timer would at least keep people from just quitting after they die. Nobody wants to spectate for a long period of time when they can just start a new session instead. So far matchmaking Takedown on M4 has been a waste of time when I can’t finish it due to players qutting. Is anyone else having this issue?


It is traditionally just an arena and a boss for the invincibles, with a spawning point right outside the boss. Not being able to respawn mid fight is also a long standing part of invincible fights.

So the only thing i dont like is the lack of a respawn right before wuton itself. I like the gauntlet to get there in the first place tho i dont know if having that also be on a respawn limitation is a good idea for the very reasons you brought up.

It’s better with like minded people who communicate.

I wish that there were save points right before the valkyrie fight and the wotan fight


I agree, there should be a respawn before Wotan and the Valkyries. On M4 it takes a lot of time to kill all the enemies prior to reaching the boss fights. Spectating the entire time is pretty unbearable.

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I recommend finding like-minded people on this forum or in Discord or any other social BL3 gathering place.

I’m 99% solo player definitely prefer it that way.

But I’ve just finished running MH4 Takedown with forum users @studdugie, @sammantixbb, and @Spacerobots and it was not only successful but insanely fun.


Very nice.

I am just frustrated that matchmaking is a waste of time since I get pair up with people that quit before we even reach Wotan.


Yes it was a stroke of genius for them to make it so fellow players are suddenly and permanently removed from a multiplayer game. That’s exactly what I play Borderlands for; the thrill of watching someone else play while I check twitter on my phone for 20 minutes. Bravo.