I should have posted here, but did in the general forums.
What if the hotfix has already been applied?
Or does it only apply during load up?
It only applies on load up.
Cool thanks. It seems to work on PS4… I will test more tomorrow.
Skill is fixed in hotfix now thanks to you!
Edit: lol I thought you meant that they put out a hotfix today after I posted work around!
When I tested on Xbox 2 hours ago, it would display crits in sanctuary but not against enemies online. You may want to test while fighting. I am not able to get online until Sunday, so I can’t test for myself. I know megavore works offline.
Sucks that doesn’t work on the Epic Launcher. Well, you can’t start in offline. I suppose you could start online then disable it. Does it fix the fact that EVERY Guardian Reward does nothing now?
Still, good advice. I was pretty annoyed when he suddenly became much less powerful.
It works on every platform. On PC either block BL3 from accessing the internet via your firewall or just start the game and then quickly start a game session before the game is able to load the hotfixes in the main menu.
It does not fix guardian rank, but at least it gives the capstone back. And the developers are definitely aware of it.
As I went on to say, I meant offline mode for the launcher as I ALWAYS get the common error code, because the Epic launcher/store is hot garbage. I just turn my adapter off after launch (but before I launch BL3). My bad if I wasn’t clear enough.
So day of patch, I didn’t see megavore working either. But the next day it was. I thought I might be offline so I restarted game and made sure the hotfix sign showed up.
Then it worked. Not only that but tight packed multipellet guns, like Maggie, Conference Call, facepuncher, and even hellwalker, practically always crit.
As far as I can tell, because they all hit at about the same time, the game shows one damage score for all of them which usually is listed as a crit. Sorry, I didn’t do the math to figure out how many pellets were crits or if it boosts all of them due to timing like the swap to unforgiven cheat.