Matchmaking error code 1

Anyone having issues with matchmaking today?


Yes… Keep getting error one messages on any matchmaking mode. Last night I was able to matchmake.

Same here on ps4. Tried rebooting a few times and nothing. Keep getting that error code 1

Im on ps4 and i keep getting it to

Same here. All modes. PS4

Same here ps4!

Same here ps4. Honestly this matchmaking needs to be resolved…sighs

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Cant matchmaker at all, Ps4. restarting doesnt work. What bull, says check internet connection but I know my internet is absolutely fine, this is a problem with borderlands itself and it needs to be fixed. No point in a massive new event if matchmaking doesnt work to be able to play it

Happening to me as well cant matchmake at all. Also ps4

My matchmaking hasn’t worked on PS4 for 5 days. This needs fixed ASAP.

Yeah it’s kinda stupid to not have this looked into by now

Restarted my router and it actually fixed my matchmaking issues. PS4

Same problem here

Same issue here, why isn’t this fixed yet? How has there been no response from anyone?

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Been getting this error code as well on my PS4. I found that if I go into my settings and run a network test, for some reason it solves the problem and I am able to matchmake.


Like buddy said, Doing a network test does fix it .

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Same issue, but going to settings on PS4 and doing a network test fixed the problem.

Was able to get into match making with restoring licenses on PS4

This comment deserves gold

Found a way to fix it o n ps4:
shut off online connection from network settings then put it back on. This worked for me!