I still use a recurring rad hex but lately I’ve been finding success with an epicenter . Its pretty boring but seems to heal my shields way better with vampyr than the hex. Plus it has the annointment that makes IB drop it when hit sometimes. (The annointment is bugged so you have to unequip and equip grenade each time to get into IB though)
What grenades are guys using with moze in M3 and why?
I’m using the Cloning Maddening Tracker. It doesn’t do alot of damage but i mainly use it to stay alive + ammo regen. I’m getting kind of bored of using it though. I wish the Hunter-Seeker would proc vampyr with the bullets it shoots
I have two Mozes, each of whom carry a slew of grenades, but my favorite is still a purple shock Exploder, MIRV, Nuke thing (it might have Link and something else). If I land it under someone’s butt, all the nukes go off at once.
Whispering ice is the cats unforesaken roar as well. Detonates on impact and also lays traps so it can hit things multiple times, cryo and fire damage with Moze’s skills and a singularity on top.