New Moze Builds

Are there any really good moze setups since the update now ?

Build around IB. And make sure to use splash weapon+vampyr, tanky as F. I personally use anointed mendel shield and bear trooper mod

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What about the cooldown? Can you build around it to make possible playing IB indefinitely?

All guardian skills are currently bugged, if you mainly use tediore weapons like me the cd is tolerable, I managed to get the +75% hp for 25s buff on IB sometimes, otherwise it will be horrific


I have an anointed shield that after Action skill ends CD reduction increased by 30%. So it comes off cooldown faster along with doing spash damage and kills.

So realistically if you are fighting a group of enemies or any of the slaughter variants, you can get it back very quickly. Topping off the the fact that Dakka bear is now proccing DW capstone and doing nice damage if you dip into all 3 trees.

The buff to IB is a step in the right direction…but I still feel Bear Fist are a bit lacking. DW and BM varients for IB now wreck. SoR I feel is alright for the shock AoE.

Did they buff Dakka bear? I didn’t see it mentioned. Still seems like a damage loss.

Unless its a indirect buff or a bug, It is proccing Experimental Munitions and Short Fuse.

I get that and I agree it’s a good thing. But the damage of Dakka Bear itself seems like it would be worse than just shooting a stronger gun.

True. But now on M4 I use it to avoid damage and pepper enemies down before they eventually destroy IB. Now Iron Bear doesnt die immediatly anymore when I bring it out. It stays out until I am out of fuel. The recovery from splash damage is also keeping IB alive while I am in Dakka Bear too(or so it seems)

You are right in regards to the damage but in M4 especially in Maliwan Takedown it has saved be quite a bit.

That’s good. Also if the damage from Iron Bear is good I wonder how the COM that lets Iron Bear last for the remainder of time when you get out would be.

hmmm. I have that COM but the rolls on it suck. I will try it once off work and see. But Mind Sweeper is just soo good doe.

That explains why I can’t aim down sights when I’m in FFYL.

I’m looking forward to what builds people come up with now, because Iron Bear does look viable even in M3 now. I’m already shifting most of my points away from Torgue Cross Promotion to Stainless Steel Bear and cooldown reduction for IB for Blast Master to see how that works. Not sure what tweaks I can make to SoR/BM beyond putting one point to get IB a shield.

This was my build prior to the patch and it was somewhat usable, now is more than OK.

Its not a min maxing build, its a thematic build, i wanted to emulate moze’s gameplay from the trailers and the overall ex vladoof mech soldier playstyle.

She uses Vladof weaponry only, anshin shields, and goes for rapid firing weapons with high magazines, going full spray and pray with incendiary damage and fire/explosive grenades.

Now with the patch iron bear is actually fun to use and makes a difference, still unsure about the mod but for now im using a random mod with redistribution and/or scorching RPM’s.

  1. Infinity
  2. any vladof assault rifle that can come with incendiary damage
  3. Fire layuda
  4. fill with another AR or a rocket launcher (since im using only vladof i cant add an smg or a shotgun)