How do I get to the Maliwan Takedown?

I have got the mayhem 4 but not the Maliwan Takedown. Just wondering how do I get to it and I have finished the game .

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The mission comes from a box sitting in the hall on Sanctuaryā€¦ then follow the instructions.

It is a machine past Marcus shop, on the right, before the stairs up, that you accept the quest from.

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Sorry, but that isā€¦ daft. Add-on content that they, supposedly, have been working hard on to dish out and now is somehow left to chance if someone will find it or notā€¦ dunnoā€¦ itā€™s daft. How about instead of players accidentally finding about itā€¦ thereā€™s a call from ā€˜ā€˜someoneā€™ā€™ about the new adventure? Just like it was the case with this this Maurice character and the Bloody Harvest? How about Lorelai, or someone, saying something like ā€œHey, vault Hunter, are you interested in a new adventure?ā€ or something as dumb as that?

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Itā€™s like in the main hallway and easily noticeable. Man people will complain about anything wonā€™t they. Wasnā€™t even looking for it was just like hey whats that new bright obvious super noticeable green thing.


OKā€¦ there are so many side-missions kill this one or kill that one. None of which have ever popped up on Sanctuary III bounty board for meā€¦ because, supposedly, I first have to make friends with someone who has already killed them.
Back to the original topicā€¦ if, while I was busy kicking some COV arses, Maurice could barge in saying ā€œcome see me at the Sanctuaryā€ kind of thing, why something similar couldnā€™t have been done for Maliwan takedown? After all, GB should make this new content available loud & clear, not pending if someone will take a look at the Sanctuary III map (as they might be somewhere else) or not.

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I didnā€™t get any messages about it, either, but I think there was a yellow exclamation mark, and I went to check it out.

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If someone didnā€™t know they were supposed to look for a quest (like the OP) they would probably miss it. I liked the way that they had Maurice announce himself and tell the player to come speak with himā€¦ it would have been cool if Loralei contacted you in a similar manner, to avoid confusion for peopleā€¦ just a thought.

Taken from the patch notes posted in the news feed first paragraph :-
" You can gain access to the Blacksite via a mission found on Sanctuary III after completing the main campaign with that character.

I donā€™t think they could have made it much easier to find.

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Youā€™re. IMHO, missing the point. And, btwā€¦ why would I, or anyone else, have to read the patch notes on the official site in order to access the new contest? Sounds dumb, IMHO.
The whole Bloody Harvest event was so aggressively advertised that, at some point it wasā€¦ annoying? I mean, I was still busy with the main story and Maurice kept - almost relentlessly - reminding me about the event. As much as that was almost annoying, it is as much as annoying that - save for an easy-to-miss-exclamation-mark - this new add-on is so easy to miss that itā€™s actually available. On a related note, I had to go into offline mode just to avoid the oh-so-annoying ghosts messing up with my main story gameplay as early as lvl 20. As it seems, GBX went an extra mile to ā€œhideā€ the new content. IMO, both are wrong ā€¦ is it so difficult to let players know that the additional content is available and that they can choose when to turn it on or off? But rather than rubbing it into their faces as ā€œmust doā€? Or leave it to the chance to be noticed? IMHO, both are wrong. I remember, while still doing the main story, quite annoying notices from Maurice about to come and see him in Sanctuary IIIā€¦ FFS, youā€™ve let yourself known, now let me finish the main story!
From what Iā€™ve managed to gather about Maliwan Takedown, itā€™s more demanding and complex than Maurice and his exctoplasm stuff has ever beenā€¦ yet, one has to take notice of an exclamation mark? Seriously?


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Thereā€™s a mission marker on the map for sanctuary, pick it up then fly the ship there and drop pod down.

I dont see what the big deal with noticing an exclamation on Sanctuary is. You literally go to Sanctuary all the time and there is maybe 3 missions on Sanctuary at most, so noticing one of three Giant Exclamation Points on Sanctuary doesnt seem like that hard of a thing to do. You seem like youā€™re complaining just for the sake of complaining. Its end game content, thatā€™s not for everyone, so thatā€™s why they dont force it down everyoneā€™s throat. The takedown is not geared towards the casual player, rather it is meant for an experienced player and if you canā€™t seem to notice the giant new exclamation point in Sanctuary 3 than you are quite obviously not very experienced with the game and probably not ready for the content anyway. Iā€™m honestly tired of all the complaining on these forums, I understand this game still has a lot of issues, but I love it and think some people are making a big deal over a bunch of little things that truly dont matter. And making a big deal over little things is not good, because it takes attention away from the big things.


Really wish people would start understanding this. Same goes for Mayhem 4, you need to be dominating M3(and it should be that way), before you think about M4. I donā€™t care there is exclusive loot in the mode, thatā€™s supposed to be your motivation to get to the level to handle it. And I donā€™t mean dominating it by re-rolling for positive or neutral modifiers, or using some cheesy gear glitch like brawler ward stacking. You should have a solid build and solid gear that could already wreck the content we had before.

How is it not easy to find this? -


one of the npc bots was floating in front of the exclamation mark for me so I thought it was just maurice pathing on the floor above me, went to turn mayhem 4 on any way, came back to pick up ammo and the bot had moved. Yeah i felt dumb.

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Understandable, NPCā€™s in Sanctuary are so damn annoying sometimes.


It is on the main ship and has a quest iconā€¦HOW DO YOU MISS A QUEST ICON? I am curious please tell me

Those can be annoying. See Borderlands 1 and claptrap. ā€œthere are new missions at the bounty board, you should check em out!ā€

That said, I think thereā€™s a way to do it that isnā€™t that obtrusive. Not sure what that would be. Perhaps they need a news reel screen in sanctuary that announces new things? And is interactive?

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The map marker for me, indicating I needed to go to the bridge was broken. I had to look online to find out where I had to go.

IME when playing any game the first port of call for the latest news on whats happening in itā€™s world is the official site but maybe thatā€™s just me being dumb then.

From what I gather from other areas of the forum you arenā€™t into team play so in the first instance of the developer, this new activity wonā€™t be of interest to you so why is it so important to be more high profile than the normal quest alert the game uses? Bloody Harvest is a seasonal event and is as you put it ā€œAggresively advertisedā€ as it is a temporary activity whereas the takedown is a permanent addition to the game and so follows the in use mission convention.

I get your point on the intrusive nature of Bloody Harvest, I was even getting wound up when using my mules and not doing the story and I actually like Maurice.:grinning: