Guardian Perks not working after the patch

I’m on PS4 and I can’t ADS when in FFYL, I do not get Max HP when I get out of FFYL, I am not getting CDR from topped off shields ( I tested via removing my shield using my action skill then doing it with a shield on at full)
So are all the perks broken? This is way worse then not being able to make stuff in my inventory.

Edit: the problem is on all platforms.
Guardian Perks unlocked after the patch has been applied will still work.
If you finish your first playthrough post patch you will have full function of Guardian perks.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed!


Same here ps 4 too

Like iv been patient with them and giving them the benefit of the doubt since day one. Randy Varnell was on the Borderlands show professing how careful they where in putting together today’s patch. Apparently not careful enough. I had a really cool build with the Transformer and Devils Banshee that could let me get 1 seconds CD on Phasegrasp. It dosn’t work without topped off. Guess in re specing this build I put a week in to refining.

I guess shame on me for trying to build around a cool guardian perk I earned XD

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Guardian Rewards also appear to be broken on PC


For me the guardian rank points and the matchmaking dont work. If I try I get error 1 no internet connection. :frowning: I was so excited for the raid

so I would guess this is a broad issue affecting all platforms… this is a big OOOF :stuck_out_tongue:

Matchamaking not working would also be a BIG issue. This content is balanced for 4P from what they said :frowning:

What time did you get the patch? Where are you? And what platform plz? Fellow siren asking. And we’re still waiting here in the UK on Xbox

I’m on ps4 Holland and about an hour ago

I think ps4 and pc have gotten it but xbox has not yet. from what im seeing. regardless of location

PS4 Ontario Canada, got the patch like an hour ago.

Well it’s a good job my 6 siren fists aren’t real then! Does anyone have this issue on the game… You look at a gun and the info gets stuck…?

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Lol yeah i’d be mad too. And yeah i get that bug often. Usually just opening your menu gets rid of it

+1, noticed this immediately and realized I would not be able to do Takedown.

Can’t use Old-U as Zane as the clone disappears immediately.

this isn’t the stats its the Perks themselves that seem to all be disabled even though they are still displayed as unlocked on the Guardian Rank tab

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Did you mean to reply to me? I’m confused lol. I know what isn’t working. Emergency Response hasn’t been working even before this. I understand how to test

I think we should also atleast say thank you for our free takedown but big huge Thankyou for our bank. I was so happy :blush: when I heard that today. Now if “the powers that be” could give Xbox our patch and bank and fix issues soon plz plz plz


Yeah, they’re all kaput.

Yep, guardian bonuses not working here as well. Thought it was a m4 thingy (PC)

Same here, on PC.

I noticed something else: the +20% sniper critical bonus is gone.