Zane buffs today Nov. 21- Thoughts?

So much good stuff for our man Zane today. Personally my favorites include the fix for Etech/Barrier interaction, visibility improvements for shooting through Barrier, 2x stacking on kill skills and finally Violent Momentum scaling.

What do you all like/love/hate about todays patch?


Still at work and I can only speak based on the patch notes not real gameplay.

I was hoping for any skill to be changed to a passive. Also duct tape mod still has a ridiculous 8 second cool down.

Overall it should help - I don’t think it’s a long term fix. The SNTL scaling could be significant if the drone is now putting out real damage as in the past I rarely noticed it.

Violent violence double stacking is nice, but depending on the weapon you are using and the circumstances ammo consumption could be a problem for Zane. Still a positive change.

I am cautiously optimistic about these changes.


we have to see how this stacking works, if it is easy to stack then at least zane will be able to be quickest reloader in game clone side buffs are solid for raiding dps.

my personal fav is confident competence bump as a lot of us suggested in my survey thread. still no sntnl augments addressed which is the most disappointing, clone and barrier remain utterly superior. but as kill skills stack hitman now is even more relevant and most of my builds are max hitman.


I like it, double stacking works well with his current playstyle and the buff should be significant now to put him on par with the other VHs.


These look pretty big. Haven’t touched them but will have impressions later if they are wanted


Indirect buff with the Rough rider being fixed too. Cold Zane is going to be sick !


Swithing to RR might be a good choice, with the new event while playing solo.

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The whole double stack and new scaling of violent momentum is making me reconsider my build.

Good stuff.

I now wonder how useful the snowdrift artifacts will be.


Confident Competence is a dope buff. Sentinel might still be the weakest(even with the 100% damage buff) but ill still use it because it’s annoited guns are so good. Basically just +50% cryo all the time since it’s always up.


The RR still doesn’t count as full from what I read, only depleted. Not sure how much better for Zane it is. Though I held on to a version that had a 10% bonus to movement speed while depleted which will actually work now.

Seeing what folks can do with Double Barrel will be interesting. That bonus is nice.

Any thoughts on Borrowed time getting a bump? Not sure that makes it useful now or not. I don’t see myself taking this over the other two first level skills.


it was always useful mate, the borrowed time, in fact it is priceless for non ccc spec styles that go for raid damage, more your clone is out more times you swap you keep double stacked double barrel bonus plus longer you can work 130% gun dmg annointment i was planing to pick it up for take down regardless but with the duration buff it is a steal now.


I should still have a mod that gives borrowed time +3 and I want to do a double barrel/clone/drone build so I will give it a shot thanks for the response.


yeah i do not think you need boost to it though, as zane i am always looking for having +3 in playing dirty and at will i would like +2 in cool hand brainfreeze or praemunitus but since that is not possible +3 PD +2 Good misfortune. However on raids you can not count on either killing adds or ccc procs through brainfreeze, that is when borrowed time boosted might be invaluable. not for take down tho. it is a mobbing area and depending on mob TTK good misfortune will be better than overdoing on borrowed time.


I eagerly await the reveal of Zane’s new class mod. Moze got a new one, and I’d be surprised if Zane didn’t.


Zane seems glitched on PS4. I don’t think my guardian rank is applying, it doesn’t seem like I second wind with full health/shields anymore.

Clone disappears the moment I go down like barrier did so now I can’t Old-U at all anymore despite the buffs to the clone.

Overall at the moment this feels like a huge nerf until it’s fixed.

I think Guardian rank is broken for everyone atm.

I originally got sad about Trick of the Light…but this actually may be a buff to shock damage, because you can maybe use a Storm Front or Brainstormer and get free Cryo?

Old-U being broken makes my solo run almost undoable at this point.

This is one of those times were you would actually have to play perfectly with Zane.

Do u share any of you full builds and gear? Would love to see it.


Speed zane build, have one planned in my skill app for lvl 50 :smiley: