Them FL4K buffs though

On mobile so linking is hard, but check out the pet Fl4k changes. Buffs everywhere!!!


I don’t understand the changes. Pets are only get buffs in specific skills, but not much overall. That isn’t enough to make a difference IMO, and doesn’t change the fact that they die easily.


Pet buffs are good.

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guess that makes gamma burst builds even better now


There is a pet scaling buff right at the top. And although the difference between 10.5 and 9 doesn’t seem like much, over 50 levels it’s actually a very large increase.

While a lot of the buffs are just average, many of them are on very standard skills for Fl4k, and a lot of Hunter skills as well so they can get a little extra oomph. While I think some animation/ai changes are needed for most of the pets the combined effect here is massive. Even non-master builds will get double pet damage just by speccing in to the skills they already wanted.


The base scaling increase is modest, but on top of everything else it looks really good. Look at all the new synergies…

  1. Bounty Hunter now procs pet damage on IPS and MDG, allowing you to stack pet damage just by shooting enemies. Furious Atrack does the same thing. Those two skill alone, without Big Game, will give you 45% pet damage at 3 stacks of IPS. Add in Big Game, or a cosmic stalker, and shooting enemies will give you over 60% damage easily.
  2. Stalker builds will now benefit pet builds beyond the power inside. Fast and Furious adds another 30%, making it a burst of +80% at full health.

Just the buffs to hunter skills and tree are very interesting to me. Cosmic Stalker and Bounty Hunter got majorly buffed as pet COMs. At this point, it makes more sense to go with those to buff Fl4k and the pets together. It’s the synergy that’s great. You have a bunch of skills that power you and the pet up at the same time, making it so you have attractive options to buff pets regardless of the tree you spec down. Every build more that likely got a buff today, just because every build has these skills.

Of course we need to see how effective these changes are in game. But I’m pretty happy that they cast a wide net for buffs.


Its more or less giving the pets an all round buff so even for a fade away crit build now the pet still has some use and can actually fight back rather than swallow a rocket and have to go to sleep for a minute


Anyone else still worried about how poor the pet AI seems to be though


Red/Blue tree bounty hunter build,… NOM NOM NOM

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@Noelle_GBX now that we got awesome pet buffs, can the team look at FL4K’s bugged Friendbot class mod? The 20% damage bonus isn’t working.

Thank you for the great patch!

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Btw My elemental projector artefact is back to +183% . Is it a glitch or do you guys can confirm?

On my end, pet damage is still worthless tbh, what is you guys experience ?

Skaggydoodles needs a faster attack speed for sure :joy:

did the pet radiation aura increase in damage or nah?

So, last night, I took my level 26 Fl4k and their Skag, Cuddles, to Athenas (level 20 ish)

Cuddles could clear normal enemies in 3 to 4 hits. A Hyperion sniper I had took at least two headshots.

I’ve got.not much to add but to say that the Pet Damage was at least incredibly helpful.

I am, however, building for this.

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Was also looking into taking advantage of the pet buffs. What came to my head is using Cosmic Stalker and DE4DEYE. I’m curious if we can actually make a pet build the one shot an enemy using the DE4DEYE Class Mod + Pet Buffs/Passive and Go For The Eyes.

Still hot garbage even loading up on all the pet buffs. Great for Gamma builds but still useless (for damage) with every other build. And came at the cost of breaking Bounty Hunter, Megavore, and god only knows what else.

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yhea in mayhem 3 or 4 the pet still dies really fast still barely dose much in damage and when i need a revive he wonders off sometimes and i die then the pet dies

This all looks awesome. :smiley:

Anybody seen any new FL4K class mods or anointments drop yet? Wondering if we’re getting any cool stuff there.

Seen on reddit, FL4K’s new class mod:


A rakk attack class mod with skill boosts that make sense. Kinda cool.