Bl3 slam shortcut

I can’t remember the last time I killed someone with a slam or even tried to use it on an enemy. It’s a bit too circumstantial as it is and there should be a shortcut to trigger it like holding the slide button and at the end of a slide it triggers a slam to at least make it something you could use once in a while

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That how it works on consoles.

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I’m on PC, and SHIFT is my crouch/slam button - holding it down works? (Or are you talking about the fact that you need at least some elevation gain above regular jump height for it to fire?)

I use slams a lot… like when I first enter a combat area, the first thing I’m scoping for are elevation differences I can use. If nothing else, a Spark Plug makes a great ghost shield while you deal with the stock enemies.

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I don’t know about consoles but on PC it’s just walk/jump off something high then crouch - and crouching is kind of the position you land in.

I guess I’m not getting you because I don’t think that needs a shortcut. Do you mean just use it any time without needing the extra elevation?

I guess I didn’t make it that clear, a shortcut where you don’t need elevation to do a slam that triggers at the end of a slide if you hold down the slide button.

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Yeah I meant without needing elevation. A lot of times when I’m at an elevation where I know I could slam on an enemy I end up deciding that’s not the best thing to do at the moment, but a lot of times when im on flat ground and there’s like 2 or 3 enemies close to each other I think a slam would be a nice way to close the gap, especially those badasses with rocket launchers on mayhem 3. I get that the utility of the slam is different for everyone because of their play style but I do think it could have a bit more given there are relics that enhance it. And a way to it at the end of a slide I imagine would feel natural with the combat flow as well

I never use slams… completely useless mechanic. I also scrap all the artifacts that are slam related. Waste of bank space. They may as well not even have added slam in the game. Slide is almost as useless, except for the artifact that makes you slide faster… but slam is pointless.


maybe they could make a double tap of b or whatever your slide/slam button is to slam without an elevated position. :man_shrugging:


Legendary slam relic: can slam from any elevation, but only when wearing this relic? Can come with the whole gamut of modifiers.


Yeah they’re a bit useless rn but I just off the top of my head I could think of a little synergy with the sirens personal space skill where if some badasses were grouped you could slam and stagger (or rag doll) all of them at the same time, then get the bonus damage from being close to them and melt. It could change the way you approach a situation a bit, especially on mayhem 3

I could only see that working if it gave bonus damage based on slam height as well and maybe some other melee bonus effect cause it’s a bit neutral and would get phased out of builds, definitely something that could be added though. Maybe a mission reward

Yeah, someone had mentioned adding a double-jump for getting up high enough to slam without a ledge and these are about the best suggestions I have heard to make is viable.

Only thing i can see them doing in regards to this would be an artifact “makes slam have no height elevation requirement” though my guess it wouldnt be as strong since the “rear ender” prefix is already to buff the slam

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Artifacts that shoot projectiles apparently are buffed by Melee damage

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…like the projectiles are enhanced by melee modifiers? :open_mouth:

For example, launchpad rockets count as melee. Same with rocketboots.

Oh dude - guess who’s getting all those relics. :laughing:

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lol, was thinking the same

Found it a little odd i didnt get ammo from a cutpurse rocketboots; maybe i should’ve kept it as it could have been fixed in future…but i promptly dropped it off a cliff anyway

slamming is worth if you have spark plug, outside of that the animation delay before your screen centers and you can shoot is simply not worth it.

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