Looking for a good Slaughter Shaft M3 build

Hey everyone, just hit 50 on my Moze and was looking to farm the Slaughter Shaft a bit but my first attempt at a build and gear didn’t go so great. I’ve got quite a lot of different legendaries that I’ve farmed with Fl4k, but that confused me a bit because I just dumped a lot of different ones onto Moze and didn’t really know what to use.

What I tried to make was a 1 HP build with about 20 points in DW to get Vampyr, 9 in BM and the rest in SoR, using explosive weapons, Bloodletter mod, Terror Ammo Regen Front Loader and Terror increased damage and fire rate Stormfront/Roid Ghast Call. I found I was dying quite easily with little healing of my shields while also not killing Badass’ at a feasible rate. I was trying all different guns to try and find strong ones, most with good Terror Anointments. I get I probably could have spent more time with each one trying to work out the best way to use it, but I rarely found anything strong enough to get through a few rounds. One powerful gun for the build I didn’t have is a Westergun but I had most others, even with Anointments and some good Terror Anointments on shield and grenade.

So I almost wanted to shelf Moze for a while and go back to my Fl4k but I thought I’d give her one last shot. I’m not sold on any particular build or weapon type, I’ll try anything. Just looking for something that will have a decent mix of damage and survivability to get through the Shaft at a decent pace. A short list of good items to go with a basic build outline would be great.


Cutthroat, Face Puncher, and a purple tediore shotgun (homing mirv) is what I use exclusively for M3 Slaughter Shaft. It’s kind of cheap though. I shoot and reload at the same time to activate the homing mirvs. As soon as you get low in ammo, switch to the Face Puncher and within 1 to 2 shots, you’re back to full ammo. If you put your points in Drowning in Brass and Phalanx, your damage and shields start stacking quickly with all the enemies.

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Slaughter Shaft really is trial by fire for any build, especially when you’re just learning a character. So I’d not abandon Moze because the shaft has given you trouble.

Tediore chucking as robwilldominate recommends is definitely among the quickest routes to clearing SS quickly.

Otherwise if you stick with a Bloodletter style set up:

I’d advise checking the Top Gear for Moze thread for ideas. Bloodletter builds tend to be able to use any weapons they like. So if you’ve got good Butchers, Lyuda’s, Cutsman and the like grab those and see which ones you like.

Grenade wise normal Atlas trackers, Nagata’s and transfusions are worth trying. Which is best will depend on how you play.

Shield wise I’d recommend you go get a transformer or Big Boom Blaster. They’re better defensive shields and Moze doesn’t really need the ammo regen if you spec Redistribution.


If you have a scourge, i’d recommend going for “some for the road” and blast master class mod. Any purple mirv atlas granade should do, but if you spend some time on vendor farming you should pretty quickly find a mirv, bounce tracker. The ammo vendor between outside road dog’s camp is a good for me since i farm him for redline, check the vendor then go for deadsk4g for the thumper shotgun. Both are good on blast master moze aswell. Princess whatever is also in the same area if you want the hive.

I use something like THIS for my blast master build(this if you don’t want to go for short fuse) just make sure you have 5/5 in vampyr (with class mod). If you have 40% ammo on your relic and use 3x torgue weapons, you get 2 shots with flakker.

With a good atlas tracker (mirv/bounce or both) you only really need 5/5 in vampyr if your blast master mod gives you points to vampyr, put those somewhere else. Stainless steel bear is alright for some extra survivabilty if you need to escape. Move the 2 points in “why can’t i carry all these granades” to stainless aswell if that’s the case.

As for gameplay, jump in and out of IB to activate some for the road and go ham with your heavy. If you don’t have any of these weapons, this works with any splash damage set up honestly. 3x faisor (shock, fire, cryo) and s ogre is cool too. Faisor underbarrel is boosted by blastmaster, so that’s s 100% increase.

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Honestly, Tediore Bloodletter is the only build I’ve been able to make it through the Slaughter Shaft with in the last month.
Full SoR, rest in DW.
Nothing is BM added enough to be worth while.
I have 5 points in Vampyr, but honestly, a shock reload seems to be my only reliable way to get back to full shields.

I’m actually breezing through slaugher shaft with the two builds i posted up there ^. I do have a good scourge and flakker though.

I’ve been using blastmaster + westergun. The westergun is super easy to farm and synergizes really nicely with the blastmaster com. Plus it can come in all elements

Tediore Moze is the best.

If you’d like a little more variety, use this skill setup with your favorite rocket launcher, a Blaster Master class mod, a shield (other than the BBB) with “regen ammo while terrified” effect, and a grenade with “apply terror to yourself after action skill end.”

Before starting Slaughter Shaft, make sure to fire all of your heavy ammo reserves – that way you will never enter the reload animation.


Try the Moze build I posted today. It clears Shaughter Shaft easily on M3 solo.

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Thanks everyone for all the helpful replies, a lot of stuff I can try out.

I’ve got 2 good Flakkers, one that has 125% increased splash Anointment, and another with +50% Cryo when under Terror. I think I have a good Scourge and some decent Faisors and Ogre. I think I have a 40% mag relic but it’s a 1HP one, would that work? I might have others with the Mag size. So with the build you need 3 Torgue weapons, what is your general load out?

As for game play, so you go into Bear and get out then spam Scourge, then do you swap to Flakker til Action skill is back? And throw grenades all the time? Anything else I need to think about?

I don’t have much Tedior as I haven’t been looking at Purples, will start to. I’m not sure I’d like to play a chucking build, unless it is a lot more fun than I’m imagining.

My general loadout for those builds are depending on modifiers and what i prefer to use at the time but usually look something like this:

  • roisen thorns
  • devastator
  • flakker / ogre
  • scourge

Yes, gameplay is a mostly about activate annointments and unlimited ammo for 5 seconds. Grizzled usually makes sure you’ve got iron bear back almost instantly when paired with refunded cooldown for exiting early so that allows you to reposition IB for Autobear and fire a couple scourge shots. You get about 4-5 shot with scourge after you exit IB before you need to reload (you don’t want to reload) but IB is back up by then. Bonus points if you have a transformer with 20% cooldown after action skill. Deathless technically could work but i wouldn’t recommend it.

I could post a clip of round 1 sometime when i go in next time if you want, but it sounds way more complicated than it is.

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Thanks for the help. Just realized I don’t have a Blast Master on my mule so I’ll have to wait to try the build out properly. I have some Roisen Thorns and Devastators so should be good to go when I get one. I tried it with a Bloodletter just to see how the game play is. I can see how it could be strong with the buff from the Blast master, but the build doesn’t really do enough damage with the Bloodletter (and it shouldn’t, cos it’s not built for the build).

For bloodletter, you could give this a try. i use this with flakker and it’s also really good. this build is a much better “flakker” build for me personally, but i do have a dirty good rolled bloodletter (25% weapon damage, 31% shotgun damage, 30% granade damage) with +2 desperate measures. Selfless vengeance seem to work pretty well with this since flakker is 1 shot anyway. again, if short fuse isn’t your thing you could go for stoke the embers though i don’t think it’s worth losing 2 points in phalanx doctrine and short fuse for 30% more incendiary damage.

if you use front loader you can switch 5/5 selfless vengeance for vladof ingenuity and remove one point from thin red line and put it in experimental munititons. if your class mod gives you 2 points into thin red line, you could skip it alltogether and put one point in a can full of whoopass

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Ive also noticed 1 way to save some effort, can max out map loot in 1 area with the gun gun; though this can stop it from spawning health vials and ammo, the tinks dont build any turrets!
(Figured out after continuosly farming the shaft)

So i uploaded 2 runs for you using the deathless build i recommended earlier. Things to keep in mind though is that A) this run had +45% normal damage modifier and the rest were neutral things in terms of damage. B) the class mod i’m using is very good (25% WD, 31% SD, 30% GD). the relic i’m using has 33% AoE damage (applies to splash damage). both weapons i use most have 120% splash damage annointment (though i don’t take advantage of it much in the clips i believe.) probably should’ve saved runs with neutral or negative modifers to make it more fair, but honestly it’s not that much difference, things die a little slower and to be fair when you farm slaughter shaft, it’s more likely you want to use modifiers that stack for you and not against you. that said, here you go.

(round 2, 3:26)

(round 5, 8:04)
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Awesome thanks for that. Gives me something to go off for the build. I need some better secondary rolls on my gear but I should be able to do a lot better now. I think I might have Grenade damage on my Bloodletter but that’s about it.

I found myself a Cloning Mirv Bounce grenade but it doesn’t have homing, I’m yet to try it out but judging by your video homing is a must. I’ll keep checking the vendors to get a homing. Still have the Roid Ghast Call which seems to be going alright.

Thanks again for going to the effort of uploading the videos and all the info you’ve shared.

Thanks everyone else too, lots of good things I can try when I get a few more pieces of gear.

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anytime, i’m happy to help the best i can. if you have any questions, don’t be afraid to ask.

the ghast call seems cool indeed, with a flesh melter relic it might actually be really good. fortunately i do have a flesh melter deathless so i might look into that at some point. Hive instead of scourge maybe. but ye, the only really issue i have with ghast call and why i prefer homing is that the skulls bounce randomly so it’s really hard for me to actually hit something with them haha, might be because mines cloning so the split mess it up. it’s a shame vampyr is so important, it really narrows down the options we have with granades and theres loads of amazing ones, the purple granades are so overlooked.

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Runing Tediore Terror Moze with this build https://cutt.ly/xeZRkHa, i have great synergy with all my items, here’s the list and a little description, i hope it helps.
1.- Face Puncher/Anointed: 25% chance to apply terror on yourself with melee dmg (auto terror since face puncher dmg counts as melee)
2.- Purple Tediore Shock Shotgun: Explodes at contact (personal choice, i dont like homing ones) and spawns homing Mirvs, Synergy w/transformer shield to restore it, mostly used for close encounters.
3.- Purple Tediore Cryo/Fire Shotgun: Homing, spawns homing Mirvs for long range boom!
4.- Free slot, you can put any gun of your choice here (another tediore gun will boost matched set a bit more) i run a Molten Faisor because its awesome and the underbarrel shotgun refill your grenades with MoD and also get moar dmg due FOTSD and general fire dmg skills/Anointed: Get more dmg and fire rate with terror (more terror = more dakka) i have more guns with this anointment to take advange of the auto terror.
5.- Transformer Shield/Anointed: Reduce dmg when you’re afflicted with terror, gets the job done and prevents 1 shot kills from badasses, but its a personal choice. Synergy with Shock Tediore for refill.
6.- Vindicator Ghost Call: Armor melter, period.
7.- Bloodletter Class Mod: 25% gun dmg, 31% Shotgun dmg and 30% grenade dmg.
8.- Cutpurse deathless relic, infinite shotgun ammo with the face puncher synergy.
9.- Auto bear with target softener and nuke rocket does a great job supporting you, you can ride it or leave it in auto mode.
Fun fact: Quicks kills and finish SS in no time.
Sad fact: Very very item dependant, i’ve spent days farming most of the stuff you see here and getting help from awesome players from the community in the process.


Hi I’m looking for the build you posted but can see it could you point me in the right direction please ?

Thanks for the reply. I think I’m going to look into trying out something like this. I have a face puncher but not an apply terror one so I’d have to use something else for terror, hopefully have a transformer on a mule with it. I have a lot of good terror guns but no Tedior ones because I’ve only just started to look at them, who knows how many good ones I’ve left behind! I got a good homing Mirv Cryo shotty and a cut purse of some sort so I could try out the basic build. But for now I think I’m gonna go back to farming the Shaft with Fl4k until the event is over so I can get as many good items I can then I’ll come back to Moze.

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