Brain Freeze Megavore Gamma Burst FL4K Build

Skill Tree:

Important that we have one point from He Bites on our class mod. Gives us Frenzy stacks easily. With a few tweaks to optimize, can run it as Rakk or Fade Away as well.

Key Gear:
Brainstormer w/ Cryo Terror preferably.
Cryo Magazine Anoint should work fine also but would need to adjust a bit
Gun jumps between enemies and gives you a lot of different megavore procs, pretty much a ramped-up Lucian’s Call in some aspects. Does very good damage and comes in a 7 and 14 shot variation. One in the video is just a 7.

Options: Scourge or Lump

Stop Gap or your preferred shield– When I’m not taunting the enemy with the pet I get the extra immunity if the shield breaks. In that 5 second window I’m able to megavore brainstormer proc my way back to another gamma burst very fast. Not mandatory at all

Run health regen and apply terror in the shield and grenade slot for an extra layer of regeneration for your pet and you. Can play around with other choices as well, build has some flexibility.

Grenade Mod isn’t key but here area some nice options:
Hunter-Seeker – These grenades provide a great stream of dps as well as leave no trace megavore crits and natural crits. Will keep ammo in your pocket and are some of the best grenades for FL4K.

Options: Recurring Hex, Mirvtacular Hex grenades, or Surge (basically any good grenade is fine in this slot)

Class Mod – Red Fang

The pet is one of the best tanks inside of the game and the recent buff to hp allows it to eat very very big hits. Was surprisingly able to face tank an anointed purple orb and still had a fourth of hp left. With the pretty decent hp pool and a ton of regeneration from your side, you’ll rarely if ever see the pet go down. And if it does just gamma burst it back to life if you really need to.

Artifact – Ice Breaker or Your Preferred Artifact

Ice Breaker makes it easier to freeze targets, once they are frozen you do more damage, and they are cc’d which is giving you more survivability. This in combination with AOE gives a lot of power. Especially in sets ups that are sustain heavy, getting that extra time to regen is pretty nice.


Megavore works with the chain lightning… Whaaa!! Nice build.


Thanks man, its pretty crazy. Almost instant cds and it eats through so much lol

I think you may have linked the wrong skill tree pic.

Thanks for catching that, about to switch it out now. Genuinely confused how that even happened lol