EB and EE are the stars of LBT. WDT DoT buff isnt working, so it is better with a build that use shock weapons with raw damage like the Twister, Fibber and Pimpernel. Or with the Storm, because of how it DoT works.The best gear to use with LBT are grenades, outside of the Storm sniper rifle, like Teslas, Tina Magic Grenades. The Quasar is pretty good too because of the singularity plus the tesla effect.
I have a twister, thunderball fists, storm, chain lightning, storm front and quasar (homing sadly…) all lev 61 waiting for her, the problem is: if i had troble in normal mode how can i go through UVHM without top gear?
I’ve read that the ricochet fibber does full damage even with Close Enough, but farm a shock one must be a PITA
‘Top gear’ is a matter of preference really- I reached level 72 w/o what’s considered Gaige’s top gear (although since I play all 6 characters I did have several Fibbers to choose from) but of the gear I had for her a Slagga was among them- a great slagging weapon and good damage dealer as well. The Dahlminator was another weapon I used with Gaige- cleared Hyperion Slaughter Dome w/o dying using that as my main weapon (this was back when I was trying to get max Anarchy stacks). You still cam aim reliably with Anarchy up to a certain point- in fact, there was a build on the old forums that someone built around using a Bee for Gaige- and keeping Anarchy stacks below 30. Since you’re still trying to get to level 72, my advice would be to use gold keys and whatever treasure you get from chests, particularly the red Dahl chests and save the headache of getting ‘top gear’ for when you reach level 72- heck, I still have 175 gold keys. I stopped using them when the stuff that dropped started to surpass what I was getting from the gold key chest (and having 5 other characters to borrow gear from helped a lot as well
). And while hitting things you’re not even aiming at might seem counter-intuitive, it’s also highly effective…
Tesla Grenades are quite commom through the game and they are the best thing to use with LBT. You can play through UVHM without top gear, just remember some basic mechanics like Slag, using the right element and aiming for crits. DT is a lot strong for mobbing, so make use of Make it Sparkle, SO5G and Upshot Robot to keep it rolling. Robot Rampage is the best skill you can give him.
Also, if you do not want to use Anarchy, dont spec past Robot Rampage or Discord. Geting to Rational Anarchist just for Discord loop when you do not like Anarchy at all isnt worth it. BFF has a lot more to support you.
About your LBT, try to swap IO for EE. IO Slag chance is only worth at 10/5 and waiting for it to stack in the middle of the heat is painful. Also, Shock and ARGH is going to ruin your DoT DPS because the damage is low. It is better to use your Teslas or Shock guns to proc EB.
What i meant is that for leveling throgh UVHM a full OC build looks better, when i reach level 61, which is my level cap, i will respect back to LBT and give her the twister, storm etc… This skill tree is really bad with random gear.
lol IO is the only skill where i noticed a damage increase, i know it’s not the best if you’re fighting a lot of enemies but at least i can rely on a power shot that can actually do damage, in my experience with cataclysm maya i’ve seen that DoT in UVHM is worthless in fact one of the question was: is EE good in UVHM?
You can use an OC/LBT hybrid and go through UVHM without a problem. What you need for LBT is a Scorched Zapper or Evil Catalyst COM and a Tesla grenade. Also, yes, EE is good in UVHM.
Maya DoT is mediocre because her elemental skills are rank based and do not scale past TVHM. Gaige mechanics are a lot different.
See, Shock damage against shield is 3x. When it turns into fire, there is a increase of the damage against flash. Put Slag and EE in the mix and you have insane DoT damage. And the COM bonus too.
I personally can not play with IO. Anarchy already buff my damage without having to wait some seconds without shoting. But this is me, there is an amazing build that focus in IO in the old forum.
Try to begin UVHM with this spec: http://bl2skills.com/mechromancer.html#520030100000140055050501412100000000
You will need a Tesla or a Magic Grenade, a good slag source like Maliwan sniper rifles or the slagga and a Evil Catalyst or Scorching Zapper COM.