I’ve picked up like 8 different Ghost Calls but they are all either normal Ghost Call or Roided Ghost Call (20% more dmg i believe?). Which one would you say is the best variant people should be shooting for?
Truth be told , if you want to spam grenades as much as possible, Ogre plus ANY grenade will suffice.
I just beat the bandit Slaughter Shaft on M3 again using my 1hp bloodless moze with a recurring Hex, an ogre (for grenade regen) a shredifier (my main gun), a shock cutsman( for shields ) and a corrosive breath of the dying (for armor).
Having the ogre quickly refill my grenades to refill shields really made the shaft much more bearable. My biggest challenge ended up being boredom since it takes like an hour to beat.
But yes ogre is great to refill grenades with MoD.
Can Ghost Calls come with annointments? Got about a dozen normal ones so far, about 5 roided and one cloning (which I’m using right now), but not a single one had an annointment on it…
Does the Ghost Call trigger Vampyr? I wanna know if it’d be a viable replacement for beam grenades for Moze. Currently struggling in getting a good replacement grenade mod.