The Baby Maker++: viable as a main weapon?

I managed to get a bunch of Baby Makers++ in random drops (cryo, corrosive, and shock). I normally don’t use Tediore weapons, but I felt like experimenting with this gun.

My initial impressions:

  • Decent damage per shot
  • Low fire rate
  • Reload “baby” projectiles does negligible damage
  • Reloading consumes WAY too much ammo

I want to make this gun work, but it seems that its legendary “gimmick” isn’t all that useful (might as well use a purple Tediore pistol in that case) and each reload consumes four times the mag size! Supposedly, all the extra ammo goes toward the “baby” guns that spawn on reload, but they don’t do any noticeable damage.

I could maybe use a Cut Purse artifact to help manage my ammo, but I’m unsure of any other ways to cope.

Is the Baby Maker++ a lost cause, or is there a way to make it work?

Uses a ton of ammo but the one I got absolutely shreds on Moze without any splash damage perks. Of course the mag is always full so that may contribute to the damage when I toss it but it works great for me. Not sure if the ammo cost is worth it though.

The downside of this gun is it will consume your ammo a lot, the damage is big tough.

Tedior guns seem to work well with moze (explosions = win duh)
I think people have been sleeping on tedior guns a bit. Running a fire jack hammer on my moze and i destory everything. It really, like reallllly helps to have mag boosting gear. Have 70 shots in my jack hammer while normally its like 25 i think.

Baby maker is really good though, but I for sure prefer the jack hammer as you get a shield and the accuracy and fire rate of a hyperion gun.

Found the jackhammer really shines with an elemental projector, babymaker is definatlely not great with ammo, personally use the bangarang for pretty well the same thing with better ammo coonsumption, although sometimes they glitch n just get stuck spinning indefinately

I have tried the gunnerang so many times and can never reliably hit things on the throw. I kinda throw and pray I hit something. Is there a certain way to use it?

I wouldnt say its anything specific, when you throw it it tends to go in a small circle and blows up normally 5ft? In front of you. My favorite 1 is with shock vs large targets such as haunt (5 -7 reloads =no sheild) but can easily strip shields of 5 or more in mobs if their grouped decently… reloading while aiming at their heads lets the bullets it shoots actually crit while it spins
To add… if you start running the opposite direction of your throw it will follow you till it reaches that distance from your character before exploding