I’m not sure what is going on, but I rarely get Artifacts anymore. Being that I am now looking for specific ones, it feels even worse. Does anyone have any good spots?
I’m kind of interested in this as well. I been looking for an artifact with a regen stat on it but I never find one. If I could improve my chances somehow that would be nice.
They’re world drops, so graveward is best, but tyreen and troy are both good options too though they have immune stages
Yup, those are my go to spots as well.
honestly this is how i got most of my legendary artifacts. not online thats for sure, i put my game in offline mode, and fight vermilinuga.
How about Slaughter Shaft? In my experience, I have never had a single artifact drop. Bad Rng?
I find Gigamind drops me more Class mods and Artifacts then GW does. Not a big Tyrene farmer so I don’t have a good comparison. But Giganerd has a pretty good rate for them.
Thank you, Gigamind check.
Cool I’ll check that one out.
Or try to trade for what you want
i personally have a tonne, and would be willing to give you some if you are playing on pc. i just kinda want them out of my inventory.
I’m on PS4. Thank you for the offer though.
I must agree on Gigamind. Almost every Legendary class mod I use now I got from this easy farm. Also drops Legendaries weapons almost every time.
Graveward or Gigamind I’ve found drop lots of artifacts
Offline loot tinks.
Yeah Gigamind drops artifacts a lot compared to others.
+1 on this, Jakob’s Estate loot tink offline MH3.
i wouldn’t farm graveward for artifacts or class mods, unless you can melt him down fast. he’s more of a grind you go after when you have semi decent gear.
All you need is a crit built flak and a lyuda.