I need a good dps build based around the infinity, I heard its a good way to go and an easy playthrough, just need something to get me along easy and ZER0 is the only character I care for.
Alright, thank you so much I’m really glad I came across all this and was able to get good, experienced feedback. Again, thanks! I play on PlayStation 4 by the way, feel free to add me @ItsYaBoi_Saltyyy
When you are talking about a playthrough what difficulty do you have in mind? If you are just starting a fresh game you’ll be at normal mode and the only reliable source for Infinity wil drop that gun at around level 10 or something so it’s not exactly a viable choise for most of the game. If that is what you are going for then I’d suggest just rolling with whatever you get your hands on.
As for Infini-Bee… I would say there are way easier things out there than using a bad statted gun while trying to keep Bee up 100 % of the time Still, I guess using that combo is a phase most of us have gone though at some point in this game and Zero is probably the best at wielding that gun.
I’m actually nearing the finish of TVHM about to begin UVHM at level 49-ish. And I keep hearing about the bee shields but sad to say I’m not well-educated on them…
It’s an Amplify shield with 0 drain on shot and the highest amp damage thrown on top of that. The downside is that it had bad capacity and slow delay and recharge rate. You can easily farm them at the beginning of UVHM from Treants in Tiny Tina’s DLC. There’s also the original drop source from Hunter Hellqvist but treants are way easier.
Awesome thank you, is there a specific variant I should try for?
If you run treants a few times you’re bound to get a few. Generally you’ll get most DPS with the one that has most amp damage on it but if you get one that’s not horribly behind and has a decent delay you could go for that too so you can use your action skill to get it back up if you lose it. I wouldn’t worry about perfect parts on something that you’ll be getting a new one every few levels.
Alright sweet, again, much appreciated my friend.
As for a build I’d personally go for something like this to start with
I’ll readily admit that I’m not sure if Two Fang works with Infinity, it’s been ages since I’ve played with that gun. If it doesn’t then you can put those points to Unforeseen or Fearless instead.
Following from there Velocity makes the most sense immediately BUT you probably want to reach follow-through ASAP. So play with Velocity for a few level and once you have enough points to reach Killing blow > Grim > follow-through spec out of it and fill back in to it later. A good Stalker COM has Rising shot and Follow-through on it so even getting one point into it with the right COM is big deal.
At the end of the day my take on it would look something like that
EDIT: Damn, did Precision work for the fixed pattern of Infinity? If it does then you probably want to get that to 5/5 after you have 1 point in follow-through. You can test that by shooting at a wall with and without the skill and looking if the bullethole pattern gets smaller.
Alright so appreciative of all the good advice and stuff, your awesome pal.
I would advise against the bee shield outside of some boss fights. Zer0 has a ton of damage but limited survival skills.
You are better off with a tanky shield to help where he skills can’t as much.
Also I hate to burst your bubble but leveling up with an infinity build might be hard because every 4 levels you will be going back to re farm the infinity which will get old quickly.
I would suggest a build that is more diverse where you can use what you find and not rely on one gun. The infinity is more of a build when you are at max level so you don’t have to constantly re farm it.
Much appreciated, any builds you’d like to recommend? I’m open to switch it up.
Forgot to reply to your last message but you have a couple of good options. The basic route at least for me is to always get to the end of mid tree for death blossom. The other stuff you have in that tree is generally helpful with everything too. From there you can choose either left or right first.
On left Headshot and killer are great for mobbing and you should also pick up Bore once you reach it. Also allows you to put points into velocity or OSOK if you com supports those but I wouldn’t max them out right now.
On the right side Killing blow is situationally useful, Grim gives you survivability in a small shield regen and also gives you more action skill usage and follow-through is again a great mobbing skill. Execute is really fun and pretty useful so might as well pick that up too while in there.
My “anything goes” leveling method, which is the one I used to go by, would look something like that before 60 with maybe a point of 2 deviated depending on my COM. Usually if I find a Killer or Professional COM that boosts Killer and Ambush I’ll use it until I get my hands on a Legendary Hunter which I tend to use for UVHM leveling. You can try grabbing one from farming the snowman which is the most reliable way I know of but it might take a while since it’ll just be a world drop from his chests, no guaranteed loot pool for those. Loot midgets are another solid choice but I find the snowman to be a lot less hassle. Obviously pick whatever COM tickles your fancy. A Stalker with Followthrough and Rising shot is also really good even if you don’t use pistols as your main weapon as long as you have points in those skills (also it makes for a great melee com).
You want to pick up a reliable slagging tool at some point. Pretty much the 2 best guns for that job are the Pimpernel and the Slagga. Maliwan slag guns are decent with a Maliwan barreled slag snider being the king of common drops for slagging (Dahl and Maliwan barrel snipers are always named the same so there’s 2 different stats on Snider, the good one has something like 69 % slag chance if it also has Maliwan grip and it’ll apply it twice because of splash on Maliwan guns). That’s all I can think of right now. Let us know how it’s going.
Awesome stuff, can’t wait to see how it turns out!