"the duc" where to find lengdary pistol

Where is a good source drop for this weapon? And is it better to try to farm for it offline?

Sadly like most of the weapons in this game, the Duc is a world drop. Offline would probably be your best bet and try either slaughter shaft or loot tink farming.


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I got one from the Nekretyfayo cube puzzle, but I’ve also found one in the golden chest and as a boss drop. Either farm for it or just keep playing and hope you get lucky. hope you find one. =]

Thank you :slight_smile:

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I was looking for one for what seemed like foreverever.

Eventually, I had two drop from Traunt (online), in the same farming run no less, on Athenas.

Being a world drop, they can literally turn up anywhere I think. As far as I understand it, no single area or boss should be better than another in this case.

Best way to tackle it at this stage of the game, is simply to keep killing stuff until you find one unfortunately.

Good luck on your hunt, hope it turns up soon for you.

I can give you a “the duc” if your in ps4
Psn ID- akapolis7

Tht would be awsome but im on xbox :frowning:


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In that case, apologies for not leading with this, I got the first and second “the duc” in the proving grounds (the one activated from Nekro’) and the third in Haunts joint.

I’ll try there, thanks again

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I should have an extra (on XBox) if you want. Drop me your gamer tag and I’ll use the email system to send it.

GT: ScapularWheat87

I got one yesterday from Vermilingua in the Splinterlands.

I got one to drop finally, thanks though now im trying to farm the vindicator ghast call before the 5th