Moze is back in this game!

I’m sorry but if they don’t address in the next patch that Amara needs a nerf and all the other VH’s need a buff…I fear for the future of the game. I hate to come to this conclusion…I truly hate to nerf anything…I hate nerfs! But the things I can do with Amara are insane…I can still solo SS M3 TVHM with Moze in 20 mins…but I’m getting to world record breaking times with Amara using the same exact weapons…I did the test only with non class specific anointeds…I offer anyone to test this and see if they come up with any different result…I’m afraid it’s the only solution to long term balance… :cry:


No one needs a nerf. Imagine I’ve added an admonishment here that would incur the wrath of the mods.


How could it ever be balanced as long as Moze is required to enter and exit iron bear and wait for the longest cool down? I can constantly use anointed perks with Amara but not with any other class…how is the fair or balanced?

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As I understand it, Bottomless Mags Moze can infinitely use Anointed abilities that give buffs to the next magazine(s). Things get broken. That’s the way it should be. It’s the whole bloody point. It doesn’t necessarily need to be “fair” and if it did the answer is to bring the lagging characters up to snuff. And it will never be wholly balanced - nerf or buff something and another imbalance will come along, and a gaggle of idiot balance monkeys will just be playing a pointless game of spinning plates. Shoot the monkeys, smash the plates. No one cares what Bilbo Baggins hates.


Just buff the other characters. No more nerfs.


Get used to Nerf. It will soon be the standard of all sports equipment and gear as people become more and more afraid of getting hurt starting from a very early age. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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before we nerf amara, let us nerf salvador first.


Amara needs fixed not nerfed. Moze has to stop getting nerfed. Zane needs outright buffs. Flak needs tweaks.


I overall see your reasoning. Check out this thread here:

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That’s the whole point…EVERYONE played Salvador because he was OP! Let’s not make a new Salvador please…I’d hate to see a game in 2 years with all 4 players as Amara…just like they were in BL2…


Actually I think the issue is there is no Irelia. It’s like an unwritten rule to nerf Irelia every patch but since this game doesn’t have an Irelia they don’t know what to do.


As a community we should not be asking for nerfs ever.

Its perfectly fine to say Amara is out performing all the others but the solution should always be to make the other 3 more on par and make more challenging content, not reduce what she can do.

We get whacked with the downward balancing all the time anyway without asking for more. We should be making more requests for upward balancing and give suggestions.

At least that might help us get some balance without nuking every ones fun. :slight_smile:

A good start would be reworking the anointed gear for the other 3. Get rid of some of the useless ones and replace with some as powerful as Amara’s. Making more suitable buffs for things like Iron Bear and flaks Gamma orb that have a long cooldown / active period would make those 2 skills instantly a lot more useable.


I usually agree to nerfs if they are warranted.

“Amara is doing too well” is not a reason I would stay behind tho. Other classes can reach ridiculous levels of power as well, just because Amara shows the greatest potential for abusive syngeries is not a reason to apply a nerf.

It already feels like nerfs are used willy-nilly for all kinds of mundane reasons by the companies. We really dont need to spur em on with this.


I do agree that Amara outperforms basically every other VH in 90% of scenarios but I think we should buff the other VHs before we nerf anyone. I mean the issue really is that Fl4k and Moze have suffered from GB’s rampant nerfs and Zane just straight up sucks. Meanwhile as far as im aware Amara hasnt gotten any significant nerfs…


I don’t want nerfs…If the answer is to buff the other classes or rework their action skills or anointments then I’m all for not changing a thing on Amara…but I stand by my statement…I don’t want Amara to be the next Salvador…I don’t want to join a game 2 years from now and see 3 Amara’s…

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And a big problem here is she is outperforming the other VHs precisely because they got nerfed. In the initial state of the game I would never advocate any VH, Amara included, being nerfed. But since Gearbox has made balance some sort of massive priority, then this balance has to include Amara too. Right now it is pretty much undeniable that Grasp Amara vastly outperforms any other class (including every other Amara build) in mobbing scenarios except of very specific set-ups. And Phaseslam and Phasecast anointments are so ridiculously overpowered that they make her far more powerful than other classes (bar Fl4k) for bossing too.

This would be okay… if they hadn’t aggressively nerfed what had allowed Fl4k and Moze to be competitive with her capabilities in the first place. So the solution is either we buff the other 3 VHs up to her level (which based on GB attitude towards buffs and nerfs, just isn’t happening) or we bring Amara down to theirs. It just doesn’t make sense for the VH with the highest DPS potential, to also have the highest survivability, mobbing and bossing capability - while also being the easiest to play.

But while I do feel Amara does need abit of tweaking, I really hope they don’t aggressively do it like how they nerfed Fl4k or Moze. At most TTB’s values need to be tweaked a little (maybe from 35% to 20%?) and the Phasecast/slam anointments need to reduced to 125% and 150% respectively. Mayyybe a tweak to Stillness of Mind, but that may be going too far. Nerfs should never take away the core identity of the character.


Fl4k op… nerf
Moze op… nerf
Amara op… nerf
Next best character after Amara nerf op… nerf

You see the trend here?


I agree 100%…the game at launch had better balance between the classes…I DON’T want to nerf ANYTHING! But I just can’t see having a huge disparity between Amara and everyone else…so if this can be achieved by buffing the other classes and tweaking anointments…I’m all for it…I don’t want Amara nerfed…I just want them to be on a level playing field

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No…it’s not the same…like I say again I don’t want her to be nerfed…I just don’t want another Salvador…and I don’t want to join a game 2 years from now with all sirens

No it’s exactly the same as because people like you who were crying for fl4k and then Moze nerfs to begin with in the beginning is the reason this is a thing and it’s just gonna be a non stop cry for nerfs.

You want true balance? Might as well just get rid of all skill trees and action skill and give you a single vault hunter for everyone to play as so none will outshine the other

As long as there’s is diversity in character and weapon design someone is always gonna end up better than the other it’s impossible for it not to be the case.