Wood block any good?

I got the wood block but im having trouble aiming with the HUGE amount of recoil. Should I even bother practicing with it or just scrap it due to limited space?

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I’d say no, but I do use one on my Hyperion Moze (only for bossing). The amount of damage it does versus the recoil is not a fair tradeoff. Against smaller targets, your first two shots will hit their critical spot, but the other two will usually miss. You can drag you aim down to compensate for the recoil, but it’s a PITA. The one I have is Incendiary and has a +100% weapon damage annointment. It performs worse than my Incendiary Crossroads, which isn’t annointed. If devs do buff this gun, I hope it deals increased damage for each consecutive shot in the burst.

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On moze with -recoil bonus while moving makes it pretty great. I had a build that used it with BM skill line. Regen ammo plus regen ammo on crit + stability when move did some great damage with no reloading

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so is it useless on any other VH? many dont have recoil abilities or effects like that

That I can’t say. Mostly played moze so far, flak too but less, and don’t follow mainstream builds really.
It does seem with some guns/items though that they don’t seem good unless you build around them, then they are great. Which I personally like.
I have a Fl4k build based on rough rider shield that is fantastic. Couldn’t find a way to make it good with moze though.

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