Amara Siren Class Mod and Head [3D Printed]

I found this model online and mercifully I didn’t have to overhaul it to get it to print at this small scale with resin.

Model made by HomemadeMistakes


Got to tinkering and got a printable result of Amara’a head. I separated the ponytail so it can swivel later.

I think it’s possible to change her facial expressions before printing, need to experiment more.


Great job!

Thanks bub, have some more pics lol

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I just sculpted a bust of Fl4k if you want to mess with him -

Might need a bit of tlc before printing I haven’t attempted it yet but the files are out there if you want them. Ill update them when I go to print as well.

Coool, I gave it a quick look-

•Normally I’d worry that the round shapes are faceted, but I think at the scale I print stuff the faceting won’t be noticeable. Any larger and you’d probably need to smooth those areas. For example, the body of the bowl stand will probably look faceted because it’s so “big”.

•With resin printing (at least with the software I’m using), you can leave the elements of the model separate, and as long as they’re each watertight and physically intersect the same space they’ll print as one piece. So for example, let’s say you have a full model of the grenades or the eyeball or the fleshy part of the head, you could smooth those individually, move them to where they are now, and it would print fine, no need to merge the meshes to the body. I think merging them all into one mesh is necessary for filament printers, but not sure because I haven’t used those.

•The stuff that throws a wrench in there are things like the 3 floating sheets of polygons inside the head, two near the eye and one in the chin area. (I think those are just leftover parts though)

But anyway, it looks printable!

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Thanks for the catch, I have updated the files.

Gotta toss in it my slicer later tonight and see if I can run it on my PLA printer, I’m jealous of the resin it looks sooo much nicer.

Not usually necessary to merge all the elements but its a habit I am trying to get into to make sure all the normals are facing correct with no hidden errors. If everything merges nicely it usually prints nicer as well.

really cool, and great job…

some talented feckers here.

nice jobs

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you have the power to play god, if I had that power I would have made the boobs ridiculously large. LOL

Really wow that’s some cool work.