Hello fellow Gunners!!
With Gearbox promising to take a hard look at Iron Bear’s late game viability, I wanted to put forth my idea for a Big Change
TL,DR: Condense several of Moze’s existing weapon Augments into their own stand alone weapons. Change all Iron Bear augments to improve Iron Bear’s behavior as a whole.
First Off:
General IB improvements that should happen regardless of anything else:
- Faster entry and exit animations
- Base IB health needs to scale better with Moze’s max health
- Improved fire rate for IB while Auto Bear is active.
General Configuration:
Iron Bear no longer has weapon Augments.
Instead, all Augments are now Chassis Augments affecting Iron Bear as a whole.
Demolition Woman:
Base Skill: The V-35 with Shaped Charge included by default
- Vanquisher Rocket Pod with Active Tracking as default.
- Combine Musical Chairs and Lock and Speed Load. A barrage of grenades, with the last grenade in the mag being a singularity. (Encourages coordinating shots between weapons)
- Hammer Down Protocol changed to shoot Moze’s equipped grenade mod. Reload time improved. (Rewards having a good grenade mod even while in IB)
A. Auto Bear, with the added option to hold summon button to put Iron Bear next to you.
B. Leaky Reactor: Iron Bear has a radiation aura while active.
C. Target Softening is applied to all IB Weapons.
D. Crash Jets: Iron Bear has a greatly improved jump height. Landing from a high height counts as a slam. (Encourages the usage of Slam relics)
Shield of Retribution:
Base Skill: Rail Gun with Capacitive Armature included by default
4. Bear Fist with Wild Swing included by default.
5. Corrosive Sabot Rounds
6. Bear Hug: Close the Distance, but if you hit a target up close to Iron Bear, it triggers random element Nova.
E. Hell on Rails: Bonus incendiary damage and fuel drain on all IB Weapons
F. Shock Hammer: Slightly improved fire rate and bonus shock damage to all IB Weapons
G. Defibrillator: Passively restore Ally shields near IB and automatically revive any allies that go into FFYL while within range.
H. Security Bear, but IB gets a copy of Moze’s equipped shield.
Bottomless Mags:
Base Skill: Mini Gun with Let Off Some Steam on by default.
7. Salamander with Fuel Economy equipped by default
8. Lobber: Combine Corrosive Warfare and Molten Roar, launching a volley of corrosive blobs that leave puddles behind.
9. Exploding Bullet Mini Gun
I. Dakka Bear, but it gets a second copy of Iron Bear’s weapons. (Basically, you get a second IB, but without steering. Seems fair since you are asking a second player to give up their own DPS)
J. Inert Dermal Plating: Iron Bear gets a second health bar and is resistant to Corrosive Damage. (Good if you use the Lobber)
K. Coolant Leak: Reduced Fuel drain to IB’s weapons and bonus Cryo damage for all allies near IB.
L. Bullet Sponge: IB has 40% a chance to absorb ammo fired at it and return it to Moze and all allies in range. Enemies are more likely to target IB.
- This doesn’t change the number of weapons and augments that are equipped to IB, nor does it change the total number of action skill options.
- Let’s the player decide if they want to focus on more damage or survivability for IB.
- You usually don’t have to sacrifice the weapon type that you like just to get access to a relevant weapon element.
- IB can provide a much better support presence on the battle field.
- I will admit, without tweaking the numbers, some of these options are probably way too strong.
- This would undoubtedly take considerably longer to implement than any changes they are already looking at for Iron Bear.
One last thing, and this is important…
Thanks again Gunners!
And please let me know what you think below
PS: A special thanks to @MrChipsMeridian for offering feedback on the original idea behind this.