I’ve read posts from a lot of people saying that they did UVHM and only got to Level 54 so I thought I would play through doing most of the side quests and see where it got me.
Having gone through UVHM I was convinced the the storyline and side quests were pretty much spot on for UVHM
I also don’t feel the need to have every red text weapon at Level 60 - For example Bognella is perfect for the next few areas after you get her… If i want a level 60 weapon I can always play through again.
It’s very rare for me to do anything with my toon once i’ve got to the top level i much prefer levelling another
(Jack 60 - Nisha 60 - Willhelm 50 )
I specifically set out to do this without grinding however I did have a few lose “Rules” i used.
After every side mission where possible I Saved/quit this generally respawns all the mobs. Really only relevant in the Hub of Hyperion, Serenity Wastes and Triton Flats.
Triton Flats. where possible I walked everywhere, this usually gives you a whole heap of XP with 10 or so Suggaraths and 5 or 6 buggies, plus the meteors are a good source of cash and loot.
Whenever i fast travelled to Triton flats for a side quest I paid a visit to the darksiders, this was also a good way of testing any new weapons and skills.
I didn’t do any of the timed side quests or the one where you collect 50 white weapons zzzzzzzzzzzzz
In the end i didn’t (need to) do any side quests after fighting Zarpadon.
I Didn’t use the slaughter pit or the holodome
So how did it go?
Level 50 Start - Fought every kraggon I came across including going looking for Phonic
Level 51 - entered Concordia
Level 52.3 Entered Outlands canyon for the first time
Level 52.9 Entered Pitys Fall
Level 53.2 Got the AI after killing Bosun
Level 53.2 - 55 Side quests … there a load available in Concordia and From Pickle etc
55 - entered Titon Industrial facility
55.9 Entered Jacks Office
56 - Science and Violence + side quests from jacks office and the research facility
57.5 Veins of helios
58.4 Vorago Solitude
58.7 Tycho’s Ribs
59.5 Sentinel
I beat the sentinel but then went to Ojimura to upgrade my weapons killed him 4 times did the deliver the message side quest and killed a few darksiders and then hit level 60 I then retuned properly 'Tooled up" and made the Empyrean Sentinel my bitch