Disclaimer: based on the Borderlands show the Raids are designed to be 4 player Co OP focused. Yes The devs said the Raids can attempted solo but made it a point say that you’re probably not going to get very far.
A couple reasons why I feel going the Destiny Co Op focus route is a mistake.
We are ignoring the foundation Borderlands franchise was built on. Borderlands 1, 2, TPS…all content was able to be done Solo. IMO this increased the longterm viability of the game since you probably wont get a dedicated group of Vault Hunters years after the game is released. Year 1 or Year 5, doesnt matter…you can start the game and do everything by yourself.
Borderlands has a very weak position on (out of fear of being banned) let’s say…“not so ethical ways of playing the game.” Its the main reason why I play solo on PC. It wasnt a big deal up until this point becuase its was a single player focused experience. Not anymore.
What’s going to happen if you attempt to matchmaking with a build thats “Off Meta?” Are you going to get kicked, forced to change your build.
The B3 Vault Hunters at this time really isn’t built around teamwork. Is there a dedicated healer class? Dedicated tank class? If there a class that reliably brings people out of fight for your life?
Moze for example is very selfish Vault Hunter. Bottomless is useless in a team, Her demo woman tree is about to be nerfed into oblivion, and SOR only applies to her. The only thing I can see is a 100% Iron Bear uptime build to have a chance at team synergy.
These are just off the top of my head. I come from Division 1 and 2 and it simply didnt work. I like that we are getting raids…I think Gearbox needs to seriously take a look at their stance at solo play for them.