Ive just heard of this mod being a thing. I have gotten 4 or 5 of the regular ghast calls so far. 20 runs of Heck on M3 and i havent seen this version of the nade. If anyone has this can u please tell me the conditions you found it and where. Greatly appreciated.
Cistern of Slaughter.
One of the ghosts drop.
Rakkolanterns flying around the tree just before the first gate.
I got others as well, a couple of regular and a couple of the Roided from various enemies (ghosts, Badass Ghosts, Haunt). I assume like other stuff it’s just luck of the draw from anything that can drop a one.
Just got it farming traunt. Clearing out the adds on the stairs before traunt to boost my luck stat before I kill him and a loot ghost spawned and dropped cloning ghast.
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