Mayhem mode exclusive legendaries?

This was mentioned in the patch notes for Mayhem 2.0/ Mayhem level 4. Honestly I don’t like the idea of this. Event exclusive items are one thing but keeping some weapons exclusive to higher difficulty is less desirable. This was part of the problem with OP in BL2. Having better quality rewards pressures players in to higher difficulties even if they would rather not. We then start down the train of thought that we need the most powerful build that requires the least amount of effort to get the best results.

I understand wanting to reward the players who work hard to optimize there characters. That is more then fair. I feel as if OP levels in BL2 had one of two effects on people when the reached level cap. Number one was, they where all in and going all the way to max OP level and going to farm gear and everything or number two is, I can’t or don’t want to achieve that level so I’m not going to continue playing this game. Granded I know there where some players who stayed comfortably at level 72 and never did any OP while still playing the game for ages but they where in he minority.

I just don’t want to see Mayhem Mode have that effect on the community. I love all the activity we have here in the forums and I don’t want to see people pushed out of enjoying this game because Mayhem Mode makes the same mistake that OP did. Maybe I’m overly paranoid, honestly I probably am XD I still wanted to share my thoughts regardless.


You are not paranoid, I think the same.
I always play at the maximum difficulty, and even then, I don’t like those things, as he says, there are people who don’t want or have time to get to that difficulty, so he will end up leaving the game.


I also dislike the idea. I prefer it the way it currently is: The higher the mayhem mode the higher the drop rates.

This does reward the players going higher and gives the option to the other players not to engage in the highest difficulty while still having a smaller chance of the same drops.


Mayhem mode exclusive drops wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing… But they would need to be focused on content for those players.

For example, I could see those interested in M4 needing anointments that trigger when attacking/being attacked/on kill by anointed enemies. Pretty worthless in lower tiers of difficulty honestly but probably a god send for M4


I think it might depend on what the gear does. If it’s a few legendaries you can only get in Mayhem 4 it’s less of a big deal to me than if the legendaries you get in Mayhem 4 are a lot better than all the other legendaries. I’m all for new legendaries that have unique and cool effects (and I’m blown away by the number of legendaries we already have) but I don’t want M4 to have god tier legendaries that make getting one in any other mode be a ho hum ordeal.

I want that gold star to allows make me smile thinking this may be awesome whether I’m playing TVHM, M2, or M4


That could actually be a really good way to balance the tires of rewards. Something in the vain of an effect that makes Mayhem mode a bit easier but not trivialized. Maybe a Mayhem Relic that gives the player a slight damage resistance while fighting badass, named or boss enemies in Mayhem Mode. Badass enemies are far more common in Mayhem mode thus giving it more utility the higher you Mayhem level.


I don’t like either. The current system works. You pick a harder difficulty. You have a better chance of getting more loot. I understand that they need to draw a line for the drop rates, but increasing the gap between hardcore and casuals is not the way to go. I don’t have a lot of ideas of what they could do to reward M4. Better Annointment drop rates? Better COMs with stats that make sense? Increased Rare spawns?

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I can understand this concern if PvP were available - but I like to think this community isn’t the kind to disconnect from a multiplayer game just because a person was using ‘vanilla’ legendaries.

I hope so. I just don’t want to deal with the complaining.

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Self-flagellation shouldn’t be rewarded with unicorns.


only with butt stallions ^^


Well in BL2 if you joined a random’s Op run and weren’t using a broken build you got dropped from their game. So even though that behavior sucks, I could definitely see that type of thing happening in BL3 at some point, especially in the difficulties that have their own special drops like Mayhem 4.


Wouldn’t want to play with them anyways, but I guess that’s what I get for being a casual.

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I agree. I don’t want to play a cookie cutter build or broken build either. If everyone has to have the exact same build then the game is boring. I could just play Cod or Destiny if I want that. A broken build tends to make everything trivial and boring. So I don’t find it fun either.

So the solution for me is simple. I have friends that always find grinding/farming the highest difficulty fun. So I can just either join their games for a carry and conversation , or ask them to mail me some of those guns, since these friends always use a cookie cutter meta build, and therefore won’t bother with most of the drops anyway.


Wait… so as a casual player you want access to hard earned, specialized loot without doing the work for it? That makes zero sense. If you don’t have the time or skill to acquire the items, then you don’t get them. It’s that simple. Sometimes in life you have to work hard to get better things… same thing should exist in BL… fml…

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There are plenty of different builds based around all gear… not just your class mod or skill tree… but synergies with anointed gear. It’s a deeper level of BL3 and very rewarding when you take the time to get the gear and hone your skills. It also sounds like more synergy with weapons and gear is coming which means further diverse builds.

So it’s going to take time to collect and put together a build to do M4. I’m sure there will be plenty of guides when that happens so you don’t have to do as much work… I mean, if you want something handed to you, there’s a website that sells BL3 legendary gear…lol… as ridiculous as that sounds, it’s true.

Working hard at play is an utterly daft contradiction.


lol… sounds like you’d benefit from that website then. Some people value the grind in BL. It may be play, but it can still take time and skill to do it. I like the challenge and it’s why BL is one of my favorite games. There are OP builds, but there still is some skill involved. I’m gonna guess that you’ve never competed in gaming? That’s definitely work… but also fun. I mean, I miss the days of 1v1 in UT3. There are still some people who play, and i’ll play occasionally, but it is work to be good. So why should the upper tier of BL3 not require work?

At some point, there’s a line where playing a game to “work hard” goes from being a fun challenge to being absolutely silly. Especially since this is Borderlands, a game where the saves are offline. There will be copies of perfect rolls of every unique being passed around trade forums around the internet within 2 hours of the content patch, and trolls showering them in public games like candy. And the more rare and powerful GB makes this loot, the more those people are gonna trade and troll.

I’m not personally a fan of rare end-game gear in only Mayhem 4 based on the way they announced it, conceptually, but I’m waiting to hear more from them on how it’s going to be implemented and what the gear is before I pass judgement. I’m taking their announcement of keeping the annointment drop buffs and mayhem modifier reductions as a good sign and will give them the benefit of the doubt, for now.

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See this is what I don’t like about gaming communities…
The I’m too “hardcore” and your a “casual” BS nonsense.
And the I’m a unique snow flake because I’m SOOO HARDCORE BRAHH!!
How dare you filthy casuals want something I have!! I’M TOO HARDCODE BRAHH!!
Your whole you have to put in hard earned work BS nonsense.
FYI I did put “hard work” already… It’s called a “job” maybe you’ve heard about those before?
My mom didn’t buy BL3 for me. I break my balls working for a living and this game cost me 100$.
So I don’t always have 12 hours a day nore do my friends that have “lives” to grind out gear over and over.
I’m “hardcore” into gaming but “life” lets me only “casualy” play.
I also “worked” to buy the game.