I simply can't survive in mayhem mode

I recently reached lvl 50 and I really want to get good gear but I keep dying. I tried farming bosses that many youtubers have suggested to easily get good loot on mayhem 3. But I’m having a hard time. My current gear must really suck because it’s hard to stay alive. I only have so many hours to game, I’m an adult with a full time job and responsibilities. I can’t spend hours on end playing games as much as I would like to. I can honestly say I’m finding it difficult to have fun when I’m constantly getting my ass kicked. Anyone have any sensible advice as to how to improve my experience AND get better loot to feel stronger in game? Can I get good gear playing mayhem 1?
Thanks for any and all responses!


You can get good gear anywhere, who are you playing and what is your build?

I would start on m1 and get used to that and work to m3.


Echoing above sentiment. Start on 2 would be my advice. If you are still getting run over then drop it down to 1. 3 is a BIG swing in difficulty.

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M3 also kicked my butt. Now I spend a lot of time on M1 and find plenty of good weapons. There are some relatively easy farms – Gigamind (probably the easiest IMO), do a Chupa/Beans/Traunt run on Athenas (there’s also a bunch of chests), Graveward (probably my least favorite but it’s productive).


What I did to quicly gear up:

  1. Use online talent calculator and look for a nice build to try out.
  2. Start Mayhem 3
  3. Kill Mouthpiece over and over and over again, accumulating a lot of different types of items.
  4. Test said items on Mouthpiece (because he is an incredibly easy boss) to see which ones does more damage according to the Mayhem affixes/modifiers.
  5. Run a couple of slaughter/hunting ground, quickly leveling up some guardian skills and also getting more legendaries/purple annointed.
  6. Start progressing in Mayhem 3 and melt everything.
  7. Good luck!

Also 1: If you find the Mayhem 3 modifier on a map hard, just restart and find one that suits you more. There is no reason to play with modifiers that is insanely negative and which will make you have to slooooooowly grind your way through, if you do not like PAIN!:grin:

Also 2: When you level up the guardian points, try to think what points will be most beneficial to your playstyle. I choose to get more defensive skills at the beginning and slowly changing to more dmg output, when I felt I was less squishy.


First I would tell him to increase his guardian rank, if he has to go down to MH1, do it, the difference of xp is not much. (Consider the time you need to kill a mob in MH1 vs MH3)
It may seem that the stats do not increase much, but it will make it more easy in MH3.
While increasing the range you will get better items (even MH1). You can do some boss like Graveward, but the most enjoyable for me was to do side missions, again get xp and objects along the way.
If you prefer bosses, there are a few that are easy.
Another thing you can do is use Twicht and ECHO to win some items.

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Honestly I am kinda in the same boat, I get on to play but don’t have unlimited hours. I looked up some builds, tweaked them how I like to play and had a few people “gift” me gear and guns. I love the new system where you don’t even have to be in the same game. Every night I get one or two packages and that makes life all the more easy.

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you really need to pay attention to the modifiers in m3, if you choose the correct weapons pertaining to the mods then you can wreck with a white gun. if you get modifiers that you don’t have gear for, just reload the game until you hey something more favorable. good luck!



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Farm the Jakob’s Estate loot tink offline on MH3 for a couple of hours and you’ll be swimming in legendary gear. Make sure you’re offline.

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My Amara was getting destroyed initially. I dropped her down to 1, now can play Mayhem 2 comfortably. Alot of it was getting Guardian rank up, as well as getting better gear.

Location is also a factor. Lectra City to me is still a real PITA in Mayhem 2, but other areas are not as bad.
This has nothing to do with the modifiers but the number and types of enemies that spawn.

Proving Grounds is easier with Mayhem as well because there are no anointed there.

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I got good gears on graveward (and also trading).

my first kill on graveward is a 10 minute, then i improved it to 5 min, then 2 mins., 1. now I can kill it in 5 seconds.

In terms of drops IMO Mayhem doesn’t really seem to effect the quality of the drops. Meaning it doesn’t really seem to have any impact on rating on the item scorecard. Just how frequently you get drops of higher rarity.

The modifiers are randomized to a point though and depending on how they fall will have different impacts based on what modifiers are rolled and what character build and weapons you are using. I generally open the map on M3 when I enter a zone to see what modifiers are active so I can set expectations or swap a weapon or 2 if needed in cases of a really raw draw set.

do some mayhem 1 , then go mayhem 2 and see how you do , watch out for modifiers like -50% incendiary dmg or any negative %damage with +45% hp for ennemy is really hard
Mayhem 3 is supposed to be played when you know your build and you feel mayhem 2 is easy

What toon are you playing ?

I’m playing amara . Just changed my build to something I found on YouTube for more survivability called immortal hellcat. It has helped, not dying so often. Been running Athena and killing chupa/bean/traunt as someone suggested. Feels a little better, will play MH1 for a while. Thanks to all for your feedback!


are you on ps4?

What’s your PSN.?

I’m on xbox.

TBH M3 is for when the game no longer feels challenging to you. I initially rushed to it, but have more fun in M2 or M1. I get plenty of decent drops, and am enjoying the game.
I don’t have some of the “killer” top level gear, but I am not concerned as I have plenty which works for me.
I currently have a level 50 FL4K, 50 Amara, 11 Moze, and thinking of starting a Zane to see his humor…