All the nerfs so far have been good for the game imo, and haven’t been disruptive to how people play the game. The weapons that were nerfed are all still top-tier, the skills that were nerfed still fundamentally work the same way, all the builds that were affected still work the same, albeit a bit weaker. Even the Hex/Flakker nerf, which was probably the biggest nerf to a single build so far, didn’t really affect the build at all except by making it a bit weaker.
This change to how beam grenades interact with MoD and Vampyr completely upends any Moze build centered around that synergy and forces people using those builds to use different builds, as the mechanics they relied on no longer work. Yes, you can half-replace Hex/Storm Front with Rain Firestorm, and you can somewhat make up for the loss of Vampyr by using a Big Boom Blaster, but the change in ammo return from MoD specifically makes a lot of weapons, particularly heavy weapons, infeasible to use due to their ammo consumption.
I was running a Cryo Hex/Rad Hive build with a Bloodletter, Re-Router and an Ice Breaker Deathless. The ammo and shield return from the Hex was instrumental in that it allowed consistent amping from the Re-Router and near-constant firing of the Hive without ever running out of ammo, and the fact that it came in Cryo meant I could also use it for CC to help the Hive’s missiles track targets and of course to proc the Ice Breaker. It was a strong, flexible build with good sustain and good damage, but even with synergies between every item my Slaughter Shaft clear time was still only ~18 minutes with good modifiers, which is 3+ minutes behind what I’ve seen well-built Amaras and Zanes do. It was super tanky, but not particularly OP imo.
That build is now completely broken. No combination of items can make up for the ammo regen of a beam grenade, so I can no longer use the Hive. No other grenade can make up for the health regen of a beam grenade, so I have to drop the Re-Router for a Big Boom Blaster. Relying on RNG to feed me boosters from the Big Boom Blaster makes the sustain too inconsistent, so I have to drop the Hex for a non-beam grenade that can actually heal me. None of those come in Cryo, so there’s no point using an Ice Breaker Deathless.
This change means I have to throw out every single item in my build except for my Bloodletter mod, items I spent hours upon hours farming for. They are all, every single one of them, useless for Moze now.
It seems to me that if the problem was too much tankiness from Vampyr, and I honestly can’t imagine what else the problem could have been, it would have been much less painful for people using builds based around beam grenades to have simply put some kind of ceiling on how much healing Vampyr can provide, or reduced the healing provided by beam grenades based on how frequently they tick, or something else of that nature that more directly addresses the problem, rather than saying “all these grenades your builds rely on are completely useless with your build.”
I’m fine with my power level being brought down to intended levels, but please, let me play the character I spent dozens of hours building.