This is a Borderlands game. A game where people can sit hours into farming for better gear. Some like the grind, some don’t, some don’t have a preference and play when they can. The point it we can farm and play this game over and over, looking for more unique gear.
I’ve been a fan since the Borderlands 1 was announced and I still am. I have no real issues with Borderlands 3. Just quality of life stuff the development team has addressed. I look forward to the future and can’t wait till the Maliwan DLC, it sounds awesome.
However, this Halloween event is a little puzzling. So, looking back we know a few things; Borderlands 1 didn’t really have seasonal DLCs and Borderlands 2 had “Head Hunter” seasonal DLCs. These were awesome as they were their own little thing and each one had a boss at the end with good loot. They also could be done at anytime we wanted and the loot was always relevant.
Which brings us to this patch. Yes, it is awesome we are getting new content for free, it’s seasonal, new skins, a new Boss… AWESOME! However, the gear is all anointed with a seasonal only mechanic. This kind of makes it useless. Look, I get Gearbox is going with the 2019 formula for online games as opposed to the 2012 formula. That’s cool. I don’t mind grinding out a limited time, event. Heck, you gave us 6 weeks. That’s plenty of time.
The issue is what we do after the event. We could farm this event complete it and have some of the best gear with the anointed “Terror” mechanic… Then what? We hold it in our bank until next year? What’s the point then?
“But we have to do the same when there is a level cap increase.” Yes, we would. However, we don’t know when or even if there is going to be a level increase. We can make assumptions about that all day long but the key difference is the old level 50 gear would still be useful for a vault hunter that isn’t our main, or could at least last 6 months to a year.
The Halloween event is cool and fun, at least for a little bit. But knowing that I’m only farming gear relevant for a mere 6 weeks. I just don’t see a point. Currently, I’m just going to complete it for the skins. 15 challenges which should only take me 25 times to kill the boss and look for the rare spawns.
After that, I can just ignore it. Except I can’t. It’s everywhere, not isolated like previous seasonal content. The terror mechanic goes from “interesting mechanic” to “annoying and messing with my aim for no reason,” very quickly.
I have trust in the gearbox development team. I know you all have a lot of plans for the next few months and possibly years. That’s great. But please do us a favor and give us something to grind for. I would gladly play this event constantly until December 5th if I knew the gear with “Terror” anointments weren’t going to be a paper weight for 11 months after the event ends.