The Reason People Don't like the Bloody Harvest Event - Honest review from a loving fan

This is a Borderlands game. A game where people can sit hours into farming for better gear. Some like the grind, some don’t, some don’t have a preference and play when they can. The point it we can farm and play this game over and over, looking for more unique gear.

I’ve been a fan since the Borderlands 1 was announced and I still am. I have no real issues with Borderlands 3. Just quality of life stuff the development team has addressed. I look forward to the future and can’t wait till the Maliwan DLC, it sounds awesome.

However, this Halloween event is a little puzzling. So, looking back we know a few things; Borderlands 1 didn’t really have seasonal DLCs and Borderlands 2 had “Head Hunter” seasonal DLCs. These were awesome as they were their own little thing and each one had a boss at the end with good loot. They also could be done at anytime we wanted and the loot was always relevant.

Which brings us to this patch. Yes, it is awesome we are getting new content for free, it’s seasonal, new skins, a new Boss… AWESOME! However, the gear is all anointed with a seasonal only mechanic. This kind of makes it useless. Look, I get Gearbox is going with the 2019 formula for online games as opposed to the 2012 formula. That’s cool. I don’t mind grinding out a limited time, event. Heck, you gave us 6 weeks. That’s plenty of time.

The issue is what we do after the event. We could farm this event complete it and have some of the best gear with the anointed “Terror” mechanic… Then what? We hold it in our bank until next year? What’s the point then?

“But we have to do the same when there is a level cap increase.” Yes, we would. However, we don’t know when or even if there is going to be a level increase. We can make assumptions about that all day long but the key difference is the old level 50 gear would still be useful for a vault hunter that isn’t our main, or could at least last 6 months to a year.

The Halloween event is cool and fun, at least for a little bit. But knowing that I’m only farming gear relevant for a mere 6 weeks. I just don’t see a point. Currently, I’m just going to complete it for the skins. 15 challenges which should only take me 25 times to kill the boss and look for the rare spawns.

After that, I can just ignore it. Except I can’t. It’s everywhere, not isolated like previous seasonal content. The terror mechanic goes from “interesting mechanic” to “annoying and messing with my aim for no reason,” very quickly.

I have trust in the gearbox development team. I know you all have a lot of plans for the next few months and possibly years. That’s great. But please do us a favor and give us something to grind for. I would gladly play this event constantly until December 5th if I knew the gear with “Terror” anointments weren’t going to be a paper weight for 11 months after the event ends.


It won’t end well, lol.


So I haven’t played yet with this new patch. Is there no way to avoid these event settings? Like I just want to work on my TVHM with mayhem settings but I don’t want some goofy event to actually change the effects of items I might receive. Do these event specific anointment effects on gear only happen on certain items or areas or will they potentially be applied to any item you get through normal gameplay?


Sadly no. ****** at the gearbox hq didnt think this through. you cant turn it of from anywhere. and i didnt even accepted the mission yet they are verywhere :frowning:


I liked it. Though I didn’t realize the terror effect was supposed to be messing with my aim. And I do think it’s an odd choice to have so much gear focused on a temporary status effect.


Did I miss something, or is there no reason to believe terror is a temporary mechanic? There are anointments to inflict Terror on yourself, regardless of whether there are any spooky enemies about, so unless they straight up deleted all the terror gear, it will work fine. I don’t think Gearbox would design this system just to chuck it in the bin


Here’s an idea, how 'bout you people SELL the ■■■■ for some cash? If it’s crap to you sell it! If it works with your play style keep it! By Primus people it’s not that hard to figure out.


Cash has no purpose.


Uh, ammo? Re-spawns? Slot Machines? There’s plenty purpose.

Also this is not aimed at you, just that I’ve seen a lot of people complain about this (imo) without actually trying and other things in general.

You however have given, like you said, an honest criticism of the event. I have no problems with you.

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Maybe because I spent the time to level from 38 to 50 prior to starting my TVHM play so that the items I got through that playthrough would be useable to me at 50. If most of the items I get are now littered with some useless anointment it’s a complete waste of time and a waste of my TVHM playthrough.

I could care less about cash. It has little value in a game where there is a finite amount of things to buy and the costs are a % of your total cash. Get more cash and pay more for deaths and respecs. It has almost no value once you buy all SDUs.


Not really. I can have 10 million or 10 grand and do all of those things once I hit lvl 50 and bought all the SDU’s.


What is the point in the slot machine any boss/ CoS is going to give you better stuff than the slot machine. I have not sold gear to a vending machine in 3 weeks or more and I’m sitting at 10mil gold. It is completely useless once you have purchased all SDUs. As for ammo, I do slaughter shaft and it takes Idk like maybe 20k to refill ammo after all 5 rounds and you get 50k for turning it in plus what you find off enemies. So as 13igTyme said it has no purpose


I don’t get the logic of “this is gear is useless because it will get replaced”. Were you planning on using the same weapons you looted last week for 7 years until Borderlands 4? I’d be very disappointed if everything I had now is the best it’ll ever get. Bloody Harvest hasn’t even be going on for 24 hours - hardly enough time to merit a full retrospective analysis.

I’ve been on the anti-nerf bandwagon since they cut back drop rates, but this just reads as if some people are never happy. The skulls take maybe 2-5 bullets to kill and the normal anointed gear is still dropping (and doesn’t even share the same loot pool as Terror). I’m just glad there’s something to do besides kill Graveward 100 times.


Also I have tried the event. I feel the mechanic is very gimmicky and not worth running imo. Had they made it to where the terror mechanic and loot dropped only in the event area then it wouldnt be so bad but for it to affect the entire gameplay is ridiculous.


But thats all that I can find. Yes the anoited drop rate is increased but if all I find is terror anoited items what is the point? I did slaughter shaft earlier tonight twice and of the legendaries I found(25-30) roughly half of them were anoited for terror and EVERY blue/purple were anoited with terror. I was happy pre update, was it boring at times? Sure.(more frustrating than boring) but I still couldnt wait to get home to play. 2 hours I play tonight and I’m ok not playing til the 5th.

Okay then, let me clear one thing up from my perspective. I use rapid fire weapons alot. Especially so with my current Moze Build(as well as Zane) and I burn through ammo, a lot. Having a ■■■■ ton of cash helps keep me well stocked so I don’t have to worry about scrounging around for ammo. I also pick up most Loot that drops and if I like it I keep it. If not, sell it. I’ve done this for BL1, BL2 and TPS. Don’t get me wrong I also buy SDU’s, but in this game you need CASH to buy them this time instead of eridium.


I’m not having that issue (at least on PC). The skulls are dropping “Terror” gear but the mobs are dropping regular anointed. I posted this pic in another thread but this is what I’m commonly seeing:

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Good on ya!, I wish that was the case for me. Maybe RNGesus isnt with me tonight Idk it was just very disappointing to spend that time farming, only to get weapons that I found to be lackluster.

At first I was wondering what all the ghosts were, then I realized it was a seasonal event and thought oh that’s kinda cool. Within 30 minutes I thought there’s gotta be a way to turn this off. Nope. I am still on my first playthrough and it’s so obnoxious trying to deal with it and enjoy the story. Just let us turn it off.


in stern Gearbox voice: nope! You will participate in this fun event and you will have fun whether you like it or not! You will also vendor all banked items to store pointless event items until next year! You’re welcome!!