Terror, useful or something incredibly stupid?

When the event is over and there are no more ghosts to kill, what will happen to Terror and the gear that are dependent on it? Also, why add an annoying state effect and create anointed gear on it when you could have added new ones?
I hope that Gearbox knows what it is doing, because, in my opinion, this is the strangest thing ever seen.


utterly and incredibly stupid. got a few anoited items for phase grasp that send out a terror skull. and it was always 3100 damage. i literally do that in seconds flat with a gun. so for me it just seems like a gimmick. and for people actually farming to get the ectoplasm. it’s utterly useless as the point then is to not be terrified.


Incredibly stupid. It has devalued the pool of anointed gear, made it harder to get anointed gear that has lasting value, and most of the perks on Terror gear are nothing short of awful and usually not worth using compared to pre-Terror items.


I don’t even know if I keep playing, really. This is ridiculous.


don’t get me wrong, i love the learning curve. at first i had a bit of trouble with the dificulty, but once i got used to it, it just makes borderlands 2 feel like i could play it in my sleep. but this terror crap just feels way to silly to be usefull.


What is done is done, there is no going back.

Don´t like it one bit.

The only thing that makes it ok is that i can play CoD in 20 minutes.


Considering that they failed to balance the game within a month, but only create disasters, this was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

I know for sure that the game will be a disaster, lol.

Why are you all acting like this game is dead? You got a FREE event with bonus loot and anointments. And guess what? The anointments will go away after the event is over, so they won’t “devalue the pool of anointed gear”. If you do a bit of gametesting you’d see that there are some pretty nifty builds never before possible. Example A: health regen FL4K with the anointment “regen 25% of your max health, +15% for each stack of terror” plus the Rakk Attack action skill with 7% max health steal and +2 additional rakk augments. Example B: triple rocket Zane with Playing Dirty and the anointment “chance to fire additional projectile when terrified”. Example C: mind control spam Amara if you have the Scream of Terror shield with the anointment “while an enemy is Phaselocked, continually emit novas”, so if you have any terror stacks, each nova you emit will mind control nearby enemies.


Ok, I’ve read enough.


I’m normally all for free content, but somehow this event has made the game worse. And I can’t opt out of it.

Whew lad.


Since this is targeted at me, I’ll respond: You clearly don’t understand what I meant by “devaluing”. It’s become far more difficult now to get anointed gear that will be useful after the event ends because the game is weighing Terror annointments heavier than vanilla ones. They drop more frequently. But they are time limited and, as you astutely pointed out, will not be useful after December 5. Whereas regular anointed gear that people want will be useful.

Ergo: It has devalued the pool of anointed gear by pushing out the gear people WANT to farm with a fluff, time limited, anointment.

And won’t be possible again after December 5, and rely on a gimmick debuff that doesn’t always proc.


Another attempt to make the game interesting gone wrong. Why don’t the developers listen to the players, but always end up making trouble? Seriously, this new patch would have been cool only if they had added something concrete and definitive (not temporary, like Terror)


i have been farming for a phasezerker mod for a week now, i am so glad that they thought i needed another level of difficulty getting it, among all these crap terror mechanics. but since they will eventually go away, i guess after the 5th i can get back to farming for a mod that will never drop.

oh as for the free event, what free eve.t a 5 minute slog through heck to get to a boss we already killed only to come back as another boss. if you think captain haunt isn’t a reincarnated captain traunt, you need a serious does of game reality.

but whats more infuriating then that. after you kill haunt, you have to farm another 25 ectoplasm just to attempt him again for something you don’t need.

you can polish a turd but no matter how many times you polish it, it’s still a turd.


I’m glad I wasnt the only one to think this terror mechanic is trash. I too am trying to farm gear that I can use but I keep finding this terror garbage. I was hoping it would only apply while you were in heck but nope. Dec. 5th is aways off but I guess I needed a break anyway.


i fianlly got a decent legendary gun, and the anoint on it was send out a terror skull after phase grasping. and it’s like please for the love of god, i would take accuracy over a skull that does pointless damage.

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Yeah found a laser sploder and a butcher with the same anoitments and I was like …really??? This is dumb.

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I had stopped playing Borderlands 3 for more than a week, I started again today because of this update…

Looks like its time to put it back down :laughing:

I’m just getting nervous after every update and it’s not funny at all. Playing this beta of Borderlands 3 has become torture.