Just a little enquiry: what weapons, shields, or other items produce independent bots?
So far, I can think of:
Messy breakup
The boo
(And other Tediore guns?)
I just don’t want Zane to be lonely. I want a one-man gang.
Just a little enquiry: what weapons, shields, or other items produce independent bots?
So far, I can think of:
Messy breakup
The boo
(And other Tediore guns?)
I just don’t want Zane to be lonely. I want a one-man gang.
Ten Gallon SMG
hunter-seeker grenade.
I feel like there’s potential in the Ten Gallon and we just haven’t found it yet.
Edit: Apparently, Clone reload does not get the Tediore effects, so ignore this.
I am actively hunting for a Ten Gallon to do exactly this. Also for the sake of the OP, potential numbers, assuming 1 of each weapon type (no multiple SMGs);
Messy Breakup +2 (including bonus drone on shield break)
Digi Clone with Breakup +2 (including bonus drone)
Baby Maker pistol +4
Ten Gallon SMG +1
Clone using Baby Maker +4
Hunter Seeker +1
Clone Throwing Hunter Seeker +1
So in theory, you could somewhat consistently have 16 pets active at the same time.
the clone does not spawn any projectiles on tediore reload
reasonably you can have 5(-7)
while 5 are actually something like a pet
and then conditional pet like things
Hunh, did not know that.