Sometimes my clone cooldown would be 5 seconds, sometimes 15.
There is a bug when switching artifacts, class mods… etc. You keep your bonus to cooldown after you switch it out.
Is GB aware?
Sometimes my clone cooldown would be 5 seconds, sometimes 15.
There is a bug when switching artifacts, class mods… etc. You keep your bonus to cooldown after you switch it out.
Is GB aware?
In another thread we concluded, that your cooldown is lower outside of battle and even lower in Sanctuary to keep the gameplay fluid. During battle you have your usual cooldown
When you quit and start game again, the “stacking” stops and its back to normal. Which is why in Sanctuary when we are changing our loaded we see the drastically reduced cooldown
I tested it. If you equip and then unequip, you keep the cooldown bonus.
Not disagreeing with what you have said above, but unless my math is wonky, the Cooldown numbers you have listed seem incredibly low. To elaborate, the basic formula to calculate expected cooldown is:
Cooldown = Base Cooldown / 1 + (Cooldown Reduction/100)
Eg. We would expect +20% Reduction on Digi-Clone’s 28 second Base, to result in a final Cooldown of about 23 seconds (28/(1+0.2) = 23.3).
So, continuing to use that formula, and with the Digi-Clone as an example:
Base Cooldown: 28 seconds
18 second Cooldown requires a +56% Reduction
15 second Cooldown requires a +87% Reduction
8 second Cooldown requires a +250% Reduction
6 second Cooldown requires a +367% Reduction
5 second Cooldown requires a +460% Reduction
The numbers above are heavily rounded (hence rough), but nonetheless, the max Cooldown Reduction you could expect from Zane, with full shields, plus maxed gear, skills, and Guardian Rank, would be roughly:
+20% - Adrenaline (if shields full)
+20% - Topped Off (Guardian Perk, if shields full)
+15% - Guardian Rank Cooldown Reduction
+30% - Artifact Cooldown Bonus
+30% - Class Mod Cooldown Bonus
This is only a total of about 115% Cooldown reduction, and nowhere near the values required to reach a 5 second Cooldown.
Mathematically, a reduction of 115% should only reduce the Digi-Clone Cooldown from 28 seconds to about 13.
So… Either my math is off (possible), or there is something very weird going on with a 5 second Cooldown on the Digi-Clone.
Well then maybe we came to the wrong conclusion, who knows.
Maybe they changed the formula when they switched to unreal engine.
They apparently also switched the damage reduction formula to 1x(1-DR)x(1-DR)…
So they might have also changed the cooldown formula to
Good question… Now that you’ve asked, I honestly can’t recall, though it would have to have been in one of these Forum threads at some point. It may well be inaccurate, and I take your point on the buff being for “Cooldown” rather than “Cooldown Reduction” too.
Not disputing this at all, but being a bug, and therefore unintended, I didn’t account for this in any “expected” Cooldown figures.
It does account for some inconsistency in values however, certainly.
Edit: Seems to me that Topped Off is the most likely culprit for the weirdness then.
it seems to me there is still an action skill cooldown bug. I am not sure what s causing it ( may be relic swap)but sometimes my actions skill almost instantly recharge in combat situation
Running CCC?
Mayhem mods have been a big difference for me aswell. The cooldown reduction one seems very noticeable.
The Guardian perk stacking of cooldown seems to be in effect again.
Essentially, when you respec, it keeps stacking thr lower cooldown.
oh so that s what is it,i am experimenting stuff and done a lot of respec on differents characters and sometimes cooldown went completely crazy for no apparent reason
When I put points in whatever cool down reduction skills, then respec and repeat. It stacks. Instant Action skill… Hope it will be fixed