Boy Howdy, I Can't Stand Maliwan in BL3

I have yet to find a Maliwan gun I’ve kept more than 30 minutes before selling. The delay it takes to fire and overall weak elemental damage just shocks me (no pun intended).

Undoubtedly there are a handful of “usable” Maliwan’s in the game but the other manufacturers seem to tower over Maliwan in terms of dealing damage over time.

Thank God for Tediore and Jakobs.

Agree, but i have a blast with malivan proton rifles. One of the Malivan Sniper Versions. They one shot in some cases even in M3 and even have splash damage.
Malivan Smgs are not that bad. Pistols and shotguns are underperforming, imo

Only one I use is tsunami. Helps cut those really badasses double shielding.

Cutsman and SellOut are pretty ridiculously good

The Proton Rifle is great because it actually has a payoff for charging; plus you can opt not to use the charge and spam it which adds to its versatility. imo every Maliwan gun should have something like that- the charge mechanic is a cool concept but more often than not your reward for dealing with it isn’t worth it.


Not playing endgame yet, but I love Maliwan guns especially charge up pistols and shotguns but sniper rifles are cool too. Once you get the rhythm right you one shot simple mobs with a pistol. It is like a sling-shot or an arrow - if you used them in other games you can really have fun. And if you combine a “the longer you charge” gun with the critical tree it is 2-3 shots for badasses.

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I believe the westergun variant has no charge time and comes with a variety of elements and is quite nice after a recent buff.

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Totally agree, prefer CoV weapons at the moment, hate the charge up gimmic with maliwan

Love those Proton rifles - of course they sorta have 4 firing modes a semi-auto ‘Jakobs style’ weaker shot, a big charged shot which is almost like sniping with an RPG and of course both those modes in a 2nd element to boot. Can also get charged pistols with a similar shot pattern that aren’t the worst things ever.

Most other generic maliwan weapons are indeed the worst things ever. The SMGs and shot guns are the worst offenders, I mean sure I could charge then shoot but they do similar if not less damage than other manufacturers that don’t have the annoying pre-charge so why bother?

So true. I used the Firestorm (I think it’s called) and it’s fun, but the charge/firing is a pain. At least for sniper rifles, they should hold the shot until you release the trigger after charging. So many wasted shots because it fires once it reaches full charge, not really a good setup for a sniper.

Westergun is pretty good and always drops from Bean, in a variety of flavors (though for the first several drops, I thought it always defaulted to radiation plus a 2nd option).

But really, this is the model that they should all use; lower DPS with “normal fire modes”, and a charged mode for more damage with a slower firing rate (but more DPS overall).