How Does Anyone Think Destiny 2 is Better

Obviously I am biased here, but I have seen so many comparisons between Destiny and BL3. Naturally, they occupy the same space, which Destiny has ruled for a number of years, so this is bound to happen.

Many reviewers seem to talk about Borderlands as a more casual, shallow experience, and that Destiny 2 is the game players should keep coming back to.

After playing both games, I really don’t understand this logic. BL3 is my first Borderlands title, and I can’t seem to find a single category where it doesn’t beat Destiny.

For starters, the guns are much more unique and diverse, and I would argue more satisfying to use. Each manufacturer seems so widely different and distinct, which always keeps me playing.

The classes are similar in this way, and offer very different play styles with tons of options for customization with the skill trees., much more so than Destiny and it’s fairly bare bones sub classes.

There are 6 proving grounds, 3 circles of slaughter, and a good amount of Bosses designed to be farmed repeatedly. This is the only area where Destiny is fairly close in my opinion, but I think the variety goes to borderlands. As someone who never cared about farming, I do it all the time. Add Mayhem modes to that, and you have lots of options.

Lastly, the power fantasy is better in Borderlands. In Destiny and the Division, I felt like I spent the whole endgame using weapons with higher numbers, while still feeling like I was getting one shot by bosses. I’m borderlands, ou really feel your character get stronger, while still being challenged.

Destiny obviously has PvP, so I will give it an edge there.

What do you guys think though? Do you think some of these comparisons are fair?


do you want space magic generated by your character, or crazy space guns that do ridiculous things? i feel like they are different enough to not need to be compared. i’ve played both series fairly extensively. i prefer bl myself.


I think Destiny 2 is more suited to be played in large groups due to the endgame being built around always having 3 or 6 people. Borderlands is more solo friendly, which puts me on team Borderlands. I did not really like The Division myself.


Didn’t play Destiny because of PVP. Will never do a PVP game. Far too many immature and evil peeps out there who get a kick out of messing with others just trying to enjoy the game.


Also destiny 2 is 2 years old and has time to mature.

I don’t play it so I cannot comment which is better but borderlands games 2 years in are much more than 2 months in.

I do know destiny 2 on release was bad and they pretty much had to change a large majority of the game back to destiny 1.

I guess there are some parallels with changing drops to be closer to bl2 style than they are now, but that is much less than destiny 2.


I liked the division until I hit end game and realized that it was basically the exact same as level 10, with different color guns. Destiny I had a similar problem, and just sort of hit a wall.

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You do not know the horror which was Trials of Osiris. Never again… never… :cold_sweat:


The reason people use Destiny 2 as the argument is because unlike BL3 on PC, it was actually optimized even before release. It had a beta. Ran smooth even on a 2 gig vid card that I since upgraded from.

Still runs smooth today. I didn’t really commit to the game until Forsaken came out so I cannot speak to whatever issues D2 had at launch. Having said that, the point stands that you don’t see egregious frame drops every time you ADS and fire your gun or even in full on firefights most of the time in Destiny 2 on PC.

And console? I don’t hear much in the way of it shutting down Xbox consoles. Meanwhile, BL3, it’s wide-spread doing it and there’s even footage of a guy demonstrating it even on the One-S so it’s not X specific any longer. Get the point?

But nah. Why bring in the optimization guys and patch team when it’s easier to just nerf ■■■■ every week via the hotfix team.


Different teams of people and things work at different rates. Hotfixes do not have to go out for certification either

That’s fair. Destiny does actually work. I’m getting pretty annoyed when Borselands will shut off my Xbox every other play session…

Hence me mentioning the two teams. Had a feeling you were going to step in to white-knight. It’s like you didn’t take the time to re-read even what you just quoted me on. Sure is taking team 2 a long time. I don’t have any way of knowing if team 2 (patch team, not the hotfix team) has even started work on optimization yet. I have no idea where the bar is for the progress on the patch itself, certification, any of that.

Keep the blinders on if you want though.


It certainly is not fair to compare D2 to BL3 as far as stability, but even regardless of that there isn’t really a good comparison between them.

BL3 has much more focus on character builds and RPG perks and variety of gear.

D2 is much more polished as far as combat, and yes, it has been out for much longer, but D2 was much smoother right out of the gate as I had it preordered.

I do compare them in 1 way though, I preordered both and I regretted it soon after the game went live, not because of gameplay as that I knew would get better, but because of how both of the companies seemed oblivious to their playerbase.

D2 learned quickly that the playerbase was not happy and they adapted. After the first season pass was a complete and utter flop, they did Forsaken which was lauded as a return to what made them great, a return to D1.

I am applying D2 again now but it took a year for me to do it.

Bungie learned from their mistakes and went back to their roots and D2 is doing amazingly well again because of it.

I really hope BL3 learns from their mistakes and go back to their roots.


As far as I remember Destiny 2 had actual endgame content.

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I just did a Google search and saw 20 articles about frame rates and stuttering issues with destiny 2, still today after being out for 2 years.

The grass isn’t always greener


BL3 is turning my Xbox off? — Not even if you look down at your own two feet, Derch.

Borderlands does have 60 FPS capabilities on console too. Key word, capabilities. Still, it feels far less dated to play. I can’t imagine playing Destiny 2 2 or 3 years from now, but that’s their plan.

Not denying those issues.

Isn’t this comparing the 2 games? Just showing destiny is not big free either, even 2 years in.

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You yourself said you’ve never played Destiny though. And yet you could, free of charge, on Steam, play a very large chunk of the game that’s available to you, if you wanted to get educated on the other side of the argument. You wanna be as well-informed as you claim to be instead of flat-out biased? That’s how.


Price is not an issue, time is.

I don’t care to play it, I don’t have the time to play it.

You brought up optimization, and I was curious because I have some friends that play destiny and I heard a lot about what a terrible release it was.

So I did a quick Google search and they had, and even still have similar issues.

That’s comparing the games.


Well if you mean at a glance, perhaps. I’ve PLAYED both games. I can tell you with absolute certainty Destiny 2 is the better optimized game on PC. I won’t speak for console because I cannot physically play first person games at 30 frames. But then, I kinda can’t play BL3 on Xbox One X PERIOD. So…there’s that.

Let us know if you hear anything from the patch team or have any links to sources on ETA’s or their progress. Since, ya know, for me personally that’s the one thing holding this game (bl3) back. I would play it more in addition to D2 if performance optimization on PC were better.

Also Derch; Mtashed made an interesting point I feel is relevant to why people might be reacting the way they are (even if it is hyperbolic) a while back during The Division 2 when that game was going through its nerf cycle. I don’t remember exactly what video it was, but he explained that he felt the game “didn’t respect his time.”