Grinding UVHM in the post-Claptastic Voyage era

Finally getting around to this. All my VHs are sub-45 except for Jack, a brand new 51. As of now, the only thing in TVHM he hasn’t done are the Guardian raid boss, Iwajira, and about half of Claptastic. I’d finish these, except I’m pretty sure it’d push him to 53 or so, and my BL2 experience says he’d have some difficulty in UVHM with gear still at 50 max, so I tabled all that and am starting UVHM now.

Hopefully the stuff he finds can be handed down to the other five chars I rolled. Lots of nifty stuff - glitched guns, Nukems, ZX-1s, Viral Marketer, et al.

So here I am at Janey’s for the 3rd time on Jack, about to go hunting for Deadlift, solo. Got a Hero of This Story / Free Enterprise build and a lvl 50 glitched shock SMG, among other things. I hope it’s not as bad as when I tackled Captain Flynt… we shall see.


…Deadlift’s dead. Proved to be as much of a pain as he was in TVHM, too. I still have more problems with his homing electro-spheres than I think I should be - I can never seem to get behind something in time. I’d always go into FFYL while everything’s hiding, too - died about 6 times or so before he finally went down to my Rakehell sniper and my electric SMG, Compound Interest, and several badass Jack clones.

Stopped before doing the last couple of side quests before Concordia. Gotta sleep now.

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Next time, shoot them if you can. (Edit: the shock rocket sphere things, that is)

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I just rush him and kill him with the spadroon with Jack

A shock IVF is a necessary for this fight, any tough enemy with a shield, and the end boss. Makes life much , much easier.

A shock resistant shield should get you through this fight, and as long as you have something that deals high shock DPS on him, it should become much easier.

slaps forehead really, really hard

Yeah. In my case, weaponry was two shock guns I could switch between, getting Compound Interest. The hardest part was getting him in line of sight without getting reamed by either his spheres or his adds.

As for shield - Prismatic Bulwark dropped from TVHM Zarpedon, so that was happy.

Don’t feel too bad - made the same mistake many times.

And, it will be my turn soon. Just got as far as Deadlift’s lair, but the actual fight will have to wait until after a short holiday.

Spent all of Saturday having a social life. Had a little time to establish ye old beachhead on Concordia, though.

I’m noticing things seem to take a fair bit longer to kill with a moon buggy.

Hope to get past Darksiders, Crisis Scar, kill the Meriff, and maybe get as far as the Drakensburg today.

If you end up at the last chapter (the beginning of the end) I wouldn’t mind running through it with you. I’m level 53 claptrap and just started that chapter