Jakobs Assault Rifles: there is another option after the Bekah?

So, I started a fresh playthrough with some VH and in my way through normal mode I have picked some AR that I didnt remember at all.

Like, the Bekah is the strongest AR without a doubt. But, what abou the others Jakobs AR? Do they stand their ground in the end game or they do not scale?
I’m thinking about the good ol Gatling Gun, the Stomper and the Hammer Buster. I do not think that the Damned Cowboy is that good because of the fire rate, but I can be wrong.

Thanks in advance!

Yup hammerbuster is very strong and easy to farm, but also just regular Jakobs are with either Jakob or vladof barrels.

I normally dislike most AR’s but the Hammer Buster is good

Stinkpot is good against loaders EDIT: No it isn’t… But it’s also kind of the red-headed-stepchild of Jakobs ARs. EDIT: In that it’s terrible.

The stink pot does not scale well at all sadly

The Hammer Buster is better than the Stomper and the Damned Cowboy, so?

The Hammer Buster has a better rate of fire and usually easier to keep on target. It also has a higher base damage than the Stomper and Damned Cowboy so body shots are forgiving. While the Damned Cowboy and the Stomper (maybe) do more critical hit damage the Hammer Buster can overpower both with sheer fire rate.

The Damned Cowboy though has the highest potential scope magnification–5.7x with a Jakobs scope–with very good stats and damage as well. Downside is it fires rather slow making it more of a sniper rifle really. I use it on Axton and so long as you are patient you can drop enemies with well placed critical hits.

The Stomper is alright and easy to acquire but is not as good as the previously mentioned assault rifles. Also if you do not plan to use the Stomper for precision it is mediocre compared to faster firing Jakobs rifles–especially cannons and gatlings. Much like the Damned Cowboy it should be treated as a precision weapon than an actual assault rifle.

The Stinkpot is…junk. It is unaffected by Maya’s Reaper, cannot score critical hit damage, and its DoT is laughable. Any Jakobs non-elemental weapon will out damage it against armored foes through critical hits. While you can get through Normal and TVHM with it you are handicapping yourself. In UVHM you may as well be insulting their mother in trying to kill your target. Also the fact that No-Beard cannot respawn does not help its case.

I will not bet my hat on it but I believe the Stinkpot is also unaffected by any means that boost grenade damage


I wasn’t making a statement on those gun, just on the guns that I think scaled to endgame better.

I was always disappointed we never got a red text Jakobs AR with a spin barrel.


Join the club.


A Jakobs AR with a Vladof spin barrel doesn’t make any sense. At least Dahl can burst fire it while ADS.

Jakobs gatling guns are devastating against large enemies and up close. They have a low magazine size but make up for it with dealing a lot of damage and with critical hits enemies often drop in a single magazine. They are meant to be a mid to close range weapon.

I was mainly speaking with respect to the concept of a mini-gun barrel on something that has no automatic firing mechanic. It’s just very odd to use.

But in terms of performance for me, Dahl mini-guns>Jakobs mini-guns. 9-round burst in a tight spread beats the 3-round shot per trigger pull with reduced accuracy and more recoil.

Never used a Dahl minigun myself but have heard them being praised in the past.

I think that it’s hard to any mini-gun beat the Jakobs Gatling Gun. This thing just does a lot of damage, just aim for the crit spot and wait for the fall.

Is this conversation limited to just Jakobs?

Level 50

Dahl Attack Mini Gun
D) 5621
A) 89%
F) 6.9
R) 2.8
M) 40

Jakobs Boss Mini Gun
D) 13306 x 3
A) 81.4%
F) 18.2
R) 3.1
M) 22

Jakobs blows the dahl away, then take into account for the difference in the crit bonus…

No surprise. Jakobs always has the higher numbers but that’s only part of what makes a gun effective. Dahl mini gun is a precision instrument and it can come in elements.

I use the Stinkpot with my Jakobs allegiance Assassin, and it’ll take out loaders without much issue? It’s no Bekah, and I probably wouldn’t use it against a Constructor, but it’s not like it won’t kill armored targets. I do find that with Vel0city, it seems like the grenades have a better chance of hitting the target if they ricochet off the ground first. Aiming straight at loaders almost never works for me, but bouncing them off the ground gets the job done (although it’s a trickier shot, especially when “aiming” for critical points like that).

When I’m at closer range and enemies are lined up asking for some B0re, I pull out the Gatling Gun, but only because it throws more lead downrange for more B0re ‘thwack’ sounds.

I’m torn about the Stomper… to me, there’s not as much of a fundamental difference in weapon behavior between that, the Damned Cowboy, the Hammer Buster, and even the Bekah other than superficial stats (reload speeds, overall damage, fire rates, etc.) If I’m going to fire a single-barreled non-elemental, not-otherwise-special Jakobs assault rifle, I go with the Bekah. That said, I may dust off the Damned Cowboy and Stomper and take them for another spin and see if they don’t do something I like that I didn’t catch/notice before.