Maybe it’s my stereo system but I’m curious if anyone else is annoyed by Moze’s breathing sounds while sprinting.
My roommate thought i was watching porn yesterday because Moze was furiously moaning while sprinting.
I have dialogue volume at 100% because no one in the game can speak clearly EXCEPT MR. MOTHERF$&KING TORGUE, but still it just seems like Moze really, really, breathes loudly while sprinting.
Not during combat of course but just while your sprinting around.
I’m curious if anyone else feels this way, or if its just me having too much time on my hands to be bothered by small things.
I’m kind of used to it from previous Borderlands games but yes, it’s kind of ridiculous. You’d think these VH Badasses would be in better physical shape but instead are wheezing their guts up after running for a few seconds