Moxxi weapons in Pre-sequel

So, I’ve seen the Vibra Pulse, Kiss of Death, Probe and Hail (and slammer) in the pre-sequel so far, and I am wondering if there are any other moxxi weapons. there don’t seem to be any results that I’m looking for (hoped for a list of all moxxi weapons in TPS) when I search. Anyone know of any others?

also, does anyone know the current exact (or around exact) healing percentages for the probe and vibra pulse?

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Hail, Vibra Pulse and Kiss of death are the only moxxi weapons that are not mission items. Probe is also a moxxi weapon but it’s mission only and It’s not that good imo.

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Your list is the entire list of legitimately obtainable Moxxi weapons in the game. I haven’t pinpointed the numbers, but they’re all in the range of 2-5%.

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Outside of them most Moxxi guns still exist in the code except for the rubi

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