Should I buy the Third Headhunter pack Mercenary Day?
Definitely, since it is relatively quick and you can farm the Loot Train for Legendary and Pearlescent Items by repeatedly fighting / killing the Boss once you complete it.
Forum ID: Poisd2Strike
GT: Poisd2Strike
Gun Prefixes | Gun Parts | Max Stats
Maya OP8 | Banshee RR / NRR | Binder | Cat | Nurse | Siren | Trickster B / M
Yes. It’s fun, you’ll replay it quite a bit, and it’s cheap. Or at least it was cheap when I bought it, and I don’t even think it was on sale.
All of the HH packs are $3 USD, so I’d say they’re all a good deal and worth the money.
Best HH pack imo. I gifted one to my friend as a thanks for something he helped me with and he thought it was the greatest thing ever. You should go for it.
Best $3 you’ll spend for a head hunter pack.
All the dlc for borderlands 2 is good but the last one Assault On Dragon keep is by far the best one
You should buy near all the dlc in borderlands 2, I really find it’s worth it aside from the occasional 1 or 2 terrible dlc’s… definitely not talking about the moxxi wedding day headhunter dlc "cough cough awful, anyways the mercenary day dlc is really reliable for the loot and is quite fun at the same time. Probably one of my favorite headhunter packs!
If you haven’t already pulled the trigger yet, I’d recommend doing so this week, it’s 50% off on steam because of the summer sale. I’m going to get all the DLC for the game here probably later today (was planning on doing this at some point, and then this sale comes along…might as well do it now while it’s cheap).
^ Update: Went ahead and GOTY’d my vanilla BL2 copy as well as bought UVHUP2 and all 5 HH DLCs…total cost: $15.33
Steam Summer Sale confirmed for OP, Gabe plz nerf.